09. perfect and pretty paper things

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Y/N clenches her teeth, annoyed because these people can't just leave her alone. These people gently knock at her door, they leave flowers at her windows and they wait patiently. They don't seem interested in stealing, or burning, or breaking. Not yet, she's telling herself, not yet, she has yet to really see their true colors.

'Stay locked Y/N.... keep those annoying fucks out. I will never give them the ability to hurt me, never again will anyone do that to me.'

It's been about a week and a half since they've been letting Y/N roam around freely. Though the only places she goes to is the training room and her room. She makes it routine to get her meals before everyone else so she doesn't have to deal with anyone.

Y/N has also created other routines. Other than getting up and eating at the same times every day, she always does her hair first thing in the morning. Every other day it's in two neat dutch braids, and the days they aren't in braids, she puts her hair into a comfortable top bun. 

Another routine is, for example, is drawing in her free time, mostly animals, plants, the sky, etc. Y/N also enjoys making origami with the paper she is given by Akaashi a week and a half ago. She loves the smooth perfection of the patterned paper, the way that she can transform it into something pretty. Something Y/N's touch doesn't so often.

Ever since she's been making origami she's been making one animal a day, a different animal each day. Y/N, one time, had a little origami butterfly fall out of her pocket, and later on, she noticed a group of little kids had picked it up and were admiring the folded paper. So, every day, she makes something different out of colorful paper and places it in a small hiding space that's easy to reach for the kids.

And each day they find it.

The starry-eyed expression's when they find it fills Y/N with an un-familiar sensation. It feels protective almost, and maybe even proud when they find one in a difficult spot.

It's been the one thing in her long boring days that make Y/N feel something kind of, sort of like content.

Right now it's 4:30 pm, and Y/N is in the training room. She punches and kicks a make-shift punching bag that hangs in front of her.

Most of the people avoid her, so she often finds any room she is in empties quickly. Y/N finds it funny that they are this avoidant of ever and they don't even know what she can do. She's fine with it though, too many people would be suffocating for her.

Her hits and kicks echo in the empty room. 

Kick. Hit. Kick. Kick. Hit. Kick. Kick. Hit. Hit. Hit. Kick. Hi-

Y/N feels a tap on her shoulders, and on pure instinct pivots on her foot and turns to back-kick whoever touched her. Her leg didn't meet anything because whoever tapped her was fast enough to dodge her.

"HOLY SHIT!", says the person.

Y/N looks down and notices a certain spikey-black-haired boy. He sits down holding his head, mumbling how his life flashed before his eyes.

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