17. gather up your tears

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Though she is less scared, there is an unsettling feeling still in her stomach, and she's guessing it's from their intertwined hands.

Y/N doesn't know whether not she likes it or dislikes it.

And she can't stop wondering about who the hell Circe is and how they are connected to the mess that occurred at the train station.

Hinata, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa found Kuroo and Y/N against the wall, Kuroo asleep on her lap and Y/N staring at the sky, blood covering her right cheek and freckled across the rest of her face.

"Y/N," Hinata said, an eyebrow raised, confused.

She looked up and shook Kuroo, "They're here, wake up."

"Eh...?", he stirred. Kuroo attempted to sit up, but as he tries to, he felt his wound sting, causing his hand to fly to it, trying to bear the pain.

Y/N stood up and huffed, crouching down and putting Kuroo's arm around her shoulder, "Ready? Standing in three, one, two, three, up."

Iwaizumi went over to them to stabilize Kuroo's other side.

"And Noya-senpai?", asked Hinata

Y/N paused.

A pregnant silence filled the air.

Hinata chuckles, smacking his forehead, "Oh! He must've escaped already! Right Y/N? You didn't see him? We might've barely missed him heading back," he smiled, and Y/N frowned.

Oikawa studied the way Y/N was responding, preparing himself for the worst. And still, even though futile, hoping for the best.

"Yeah Y/N, you didn't mention anything about Nishinoya," Kuroo said.

"So? He's probably back already, we should start to, maybe we can catch up to No-"

"He is dead."

Y/N looked at the ground. Why wasn't she feeling anything...? 

She was feeling something, she's just too awfully familiar with the feeling. So of course, when something becomes too often, it becomes normalcy. And when bad feelings become normalcy, and when they become a constant, of course, it's hard to identify them.

The normalcy ends up transforming into numbness, a deceiving thought of 'Why am I not feeling anything?'

Hinata's smile drops slightly, but not totally, "What?", the boy's voice quivers.

Y/N looked him in the eyes, "Nishinoya... died... earlier today."

Hinata's smile was no longer, his mouth dropping.

"W-well how do you know, it's not like you saw him right? I mean there's no way it's a guarantee that he's dead if you haven't see the- his, body. I mean-"

"I ran into a zombie eating him...by the time I got there he was already dead..."

Hinata turned to Oikawa, "You don't think he's dead, do you? I mean he was the best. Noya-senpai was- is, is the best. He- he always survived no matter what."

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