after the party

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I walk back into the house after Alyssa walked back over to her friends. I see Cam and y/n talking.

Y/n notices me. "Hey buddy! What's wrong?" They ask. "I um kind of got dumped" I nod.

"What? Oh Eric, I'm so sorry" she says. "It's alright, just hurts you know?" I say. "Oh"

They hug me. I hug back and melt into their embrace I know it's a shitty thing to have these feelings and I know I'm hurting Cam but I really needed this damn hug.

I look and Cam is looking at the floor. Y/n let's me go when a new song comes on. "Cam, come on, it's our song" she says. She turns back to me. "Oh but wait you can't be alone" she say.

"I got him you guys have fun" Tobi says.

Cam and y/n go out and dance.

"Still in love?" Tobi asks. "Severely, Alyssa just broke up with me, I'm heartbroken and the woman I'm meant to be with is out there dancing with another man" I say.

"Hope this will help" she says handing me a cup. "What is this?" I ask smelling the substance. "I'm calling it the dumpster, it's a mix of all the alcohols they had there" she say.

I just look at her. "Hey either drink this to get rid of the pain in your heart or watch as the love of your life dances the night away with your best friend" she says.

I shake my head and drink the substance. I groan. "Oh this tastes like absolute shit" I say. "Yeah, gnarly right?" Tobi laughs. I shake my head.

I go outside and talk with everyone.

Y/ns pov

The song soon ends and I'm giggling, having an amazing time. Cam had a small smile. "What's wrong?" I ask. "We kind of need to talk" he says.

"Oh ok" I say. He takes me to my room and we sit on my bed. "Listen, y/n you are a wonderful girl and boy have we had a fun time together" he says.

Oh.. oh no.. he's not.. he's not doing this.. is he?


Oh the but... always the but..

"I love you too much to let you lie to yourself, you still have feelings for Eric, and before you interupt me and say you love me, I know, I know you love me, but you loved him first, it's only fair for you and me both, I knee this day would come and I tried telling myself it was stupid and you loved me, but it ate me alive knowing I kept you in this small cage of a relationship"

He kept spilling his feeling out.

"And don't worry about me, I'm pretty popular here in Australia" he jokes. I laugh. He smiles. "I'm sorry" I say. "Don't be, your a beautiful girl, and Hey if you and Eric don't work out you know where to find me" he says. I laughs.

"I love you" I say. "I love you too sweetheart" he says hugging me. I hug him back. He pulls me closer to him.

We look at each other I go to say something but he cuts me off by kissing me.

We both emerge from the covers breathing heavily. "So much for breaking up eh?" I say. "Oh shut up" he says kissing my neck. I laugh.

"Cameron" I say. "Nothing like goodbye sex"

"Yeah yeah, you initiated it so don't even" I say. "Oh please you had your bedroom eyes on" he says. "My bedroom eyes, you sleep with me twice now and suddenly you know my sexy eyes?" I ask. He laughs.

"Oh please you do this hold on"he says.

He grabs my bra from the floor and puts it on his chest. "Oh Cameron, I'm so sad about us breaking up" he says squinting.

"You make me look constipated" I say. He laughs.

"I swear you do this little seductive thing with your eyes, you are trying to seduce me" he says. "I think the seducing part is over" I say.

He smiles and pulls me closer to him. "It's gotten a bit quiet, you think we done it through the entire party?" He say.

"We might have, we havent been that long have we?" I say. "No only about a few hours" he says. "Your makeups all ruined" I say. "Yeah and whose fault is that?" He asks. "That would be yours" I say.

"Oh mine? Yeah says the one who constantly kisses me, I've counted it, 19 make out in a 5 hour sesh, 19" he say.

"Ok I'm sorry for that little bit but what about you, you clingy little fucker" I say. "I'm clingy, you couldn't get your hands off of me" he say.

I stick my tongue out at him and cross my arms. "Oh quit being a baby" he says putting both his arms around me.

"I'm gonna miss this" he says. "We have literally done it twice, I haven't even done any of my special moves" I say. He sighs jokingly.

"Oh so I was just a pawn in your sex game then?" He asks flipping his imaginary hair.

I laugh. "Go to bed you idiot it is 5 in the morning" I say. "Ok but before you go to bed I would like to explain the entire Five Nights at Freddy's lore" he says.

"Cam I'm this close to shoving you outside with no clothes" I say.

"Fine fine" he says. We cuddle and fall asleep.

Fitz pov

I wake up about an hour later and get dressed and head downstairs. I see Swagger and Tobi on the couch next to a pile of people.

"They alive?" I ask. "I'd fucking hope so" Tobi says. "So where did you and y/n go?" Swagger asks sadly. "I broke it off with them." I blurt out.

They both whip their heads around to look at me.

"You, you what?" Tobi asks. "I broke it off with y/n, Eric both of you are still in love with each other, it's not fair of me to have kept them under my arm when I knew you loved them." I say.

"Dude.." he says. "Don't even argue, she's up there now, I mean she's asleep but go talk with her" I say.

He stands up and goes to the stairs. "Wait, Eric, I need help" Alyssa says.

He hesitates before going over to her.

I shake my head.

Y/ns pov

I wake up to an empty bed. I rub my eyes and get dressed. I head downstairs.

I am greeted by an eager Tobi. "Dude dude dude dude" she says.

"What what what what" I say. "How did it go?" She asks. "What? How did you even know we slept together?" I ask

"You slept together already? He didn't even leave to find you 5 minutes ago, he does not last long" she says.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Cam is right there" I say.

"You slept with Cam???" She asks. I hold my head. "Jesus, yeah, he broke up with me, and we ended things with goodbye sex, and if he tells you different, he initiated it" I say.

"I did not" he says.

"Oh you definitely did" I say.

"Anyways Eric is out there, go talk to him" he says.

I waste no time running out but I stop in my tracks at the sight I had seen. It was Eric and Alyssa kissing.

This Is The Life (swaggersouls x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon