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After the whole tennis thing happens a lot of other things happen like mason laying on a old lawn chair which was completely mank and gnarly then jumping into the pool, Toby and I trying on different bathing suits with Ana (i hope thats how you spell her name if not please correct me!), and me and swagger acting like a 'couple' which Fitz and Toby both pointing it out which i dont really see how though.

While we were trying on bathing suits someone knocks on the door. "Hey ladies we are going in the pool if you wanna join" Eric says. "Ok we will be down in a minute" i say. "Ok see ya there babe!" He says. "Babe?" I ask. "Oh shit sorry didnt mean too"he says.

"Dont worry, darling you're good!" I say. The girls laugh. We get dressed, i felt confident enough to wear a two piece because at this point im tired of everyone telling me what i can and can not wear.

We all walk to the pool and see the boys, there was someone recording "they are gonna blur my face out right?" I ask toby she nods. "Unless you ask them not to" she says i nod. Someone pushes me in the pool. I swim to the top and see swagger laughing.

"Oh haha very funny for someone who called me babe earlier" i say everyone laughs. "Ayo!! If you love her that much just say so!" Fitz says.

"Alright help me out you bum" i say Eric reaches his hand out i grab it and pull him in.

He resurfaces. "You bitch!" He says.

"Dont start with me darling" i say. "You know you love me, just admit it" he says. Holding me. I slightly laugh. "Eat your heart out doll" i say kissing his forehead and getting out of the pool where Toby handed me a towel.

Eric eventually got out of the pool and got a weird looking fruit thing. "Its Uber Eats!" Jay yells.

"The hell is that?" I ask. "Pinecone" Fitz says. Me and Toby had our feet in the water.

Jay and Fitz fuck around for a couple of minutes, everyone is now in the pool and just rocking out to royalty free music because why not, me and Fitz were talking and laughing when i looked over and saw Eric staring at me, beer in hand.

"Go talk to him, he seems a bit jealous" Cam says. "Jealous?" I ask. "Yeah he was talking about you on the way to your house it was annoying but cute, ask him out or something" Toby says. "Im not gonna ask him out, thats like proposing to a random stranger" i say.

"At least ask him to dance ill put on music and everything" Fitz says. "Ill just talk to him you weirdos" i say. I swim over to Eric.

"Hey doll face you ok?" I ask. He stays silent. "You upset i embarrassed you in front of your friends?" I ask. He looks at me. I hold his cheek. "Its gonna be ok doll face, just playing with you" i say. He shakes his head while smiling.

"Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah, just tired i gues-"

"JUST KISS ALREADY YOU DIRTY DOGS!" Fitz yelled interrupting Eric. Toby smacks him. "Shut up you idiot you are ruining their moment" she says.

"Are they going to do this the entire trip?" I ask. "Most likely they wont stop until we at least kiss" Eric says putting his arm around me. " we should tease them a little eh?" I ask. "Tease them? How?" He asks. "Every now and then we pretend like we are about to kiss or something along those lines then we back away leaving them devastated but wanting more" i say.

"Hm, alright you seem like you have a lot of experience in teasing lets go" he says. We swim to the other side of the pool so we could be farther away. Fitz and Toby were looking at us, the seemed to be interested.

Eric and i continue to talk then we go for it. He grabs my waist and pulls me in a little bit. "Matt get this on camera guys their about to do it" Toby kinda yells.

"You ready?" I ask. He smiles and puts his head down. "This is so fucked" he says. I lift his head with my finger. We look at each other before leaning in.

Toby was freaking out. There were like 5 people recording. Our lips were about to touch before i swerved and kissed his cheek.

"Oh you sons of bitches!" Toby yells. Me and Eric were laughing so hard. "We will get you mother fuckers to kiss if its the last thing we do on this trip!" Fitz yells.

"Mhm surely" i yell back. "I think you did a number on Swagger there eh hes all red and shit" mason says. I look at Eric and he was blushing like crazy.

"Aw were you happy because you got kissed by the pretty lady, doll?" Jay says. Eric splashes him i laugh.

We all get out of pool and just dry off. Fitz and Toby were trying to convince me and Swagger to kiss. Eric handed me a beer. "We are gonna be here a while" he says.

Me and Toby were talking when Fitz turned on some slow dancing music. Fitz was talking to Eric and he seemed like he didnt want to deal with him.

Eric sighs and walks over to me. Fitz walks over too. "Go ahead and ask her dont pussy out, too late to do that cunt" Fitz says. "May i have this dance?" Eric says holding out his hand.

I grab his hand and we start to dance while Fitz and Toby cheer us on.

"Just kiss you know we are going to do this all trip!" Fitz yells. I sigh. "They arent going to leave us alone" i say.

Me and Eric look at each other. Fitz and Toby were still trying to convince us by saying 'come on' over and over.

"Im sorry" i say. I sigh and kiss Eric. Fitz and Toby were laughing and cheering. Eric deepens the kiss.

Is it weird that im enjoying this? What the hell?

We pull apart. Both of us are probably red. Eric was smiling "THEY DID IT!"  Toby yelled. Everyone cheered.

Eric flipped them off. "Good thing we got our content now" Fitz says. "Sad thing is we have to blur their faces" Jay says.

"Im hungry im going to start the ribs" Fitz says. Everyone goes their own ways.

Me and Toby were hanging out at the piano. I was playing a tune. I could tell toby was about to sing.

"Y/n and Swagger" toby sings. "Never gonna happen" i sing.

T- it could but you wont accept your feelings.

Y- my mind will never change

T- it will im betting 100 dollars on it.

Y- might as well pay up now instead of arguing over this bullshit.

T- might as well get together before the wattpad writers get to this footage.

Y- oh no not Wattpad..


we burst out laughing. "That was so fucking intense bro!" Mason says. "Yeah bro wattpad was so strange eh? Some people make really weird scenarios for different things" i say. "Yeah remember that one about Ezra?" Toby ask.

"Of course bro it went downhill so fast" i say.

(Definitely not promoting my book ahaaa kill me)

After we eat dinner i get a face time call from my mum.

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