second choice

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I stand there in shock, they both pull away and Eric gives a small smile. Alyssa turns and sees me.

"Sorry didn't mean to interupt" I say going back into my house. They both chase after me.

"Y/n wait we can explain" Alyssa says. "No no it's fine, you guys are still in love, its fine, whatever makes you happy" I say grabbing my car keys.

"What happened?" Cam asks. I just ignore him and walk out.

Swaggers pov

"Oh shit" Alyssa says running her fingers through her hair. "Whwt the hell happened?" Tobi asks. "Well um we kind of kissed and y/n may or may have not caught us" Alyssa says.

"You fucking initiated it!" I says. "You didn't stop it" Alyssa argues. "Would you say that to someone who was hit by a meteor? Oh why didn't you stop it"i bickers.

"Ok you guys argue I'm gonna go find y/n" Tobi says. "I'm coming with you" i  say grabbing a coat.

We get in the car and we drive all around town, we called different friends, family members, we even looked in their favorite stores, nothing.

I was panicking, I had called her a million times. "I swear that kiss meant nothing, Alyssa kissed me, but I only want to be with you, I was going up to tell you how much I loved you then she asked for help with something I swear I'm not trying to play you" I say

"I'm just gonna start showing up at people's houses, I don't care if it's rude" tobi says.

She drives to y/ns mom's house. "Hello Barbara, we are looking for y/n, we were wondering if you had seen her" I say. "Oh no, I haven't sorry, she called me earlier. She said she was staying at a friend's house and she would pick up Hades later, is she ok?" She asks.

Tobi didn't want to frighten her. "Oh right I forgot she was at our house, have a good day" She says.

"Oh ok, I thought my baby was in danger, alright have a good day" she say closing the door.

We drive to Max and Chad's house and it had started raining. "Oh fuck me man" Tobi says.

We get to their door. I knock. Their camera man answers. "Hey sorry we are a bit busy" he says

"I'm sorry, we are looking for y/n, she kind of stormed off" Tobi explains.

"She's not here, but come in get warm." He says. We get inside and I smell something familiar.

"Dragon fruit" I say to myself. "What?" Max asks. "Dragon fruit, she was here" I say.

"Ok calm down Sherlock" Tobi says.

"She's not here" Chad says rather annoyed. "Yes she is quit hiding her from me" I say.

"Hey Max, all they had was just regular beer, it's not bad beer, but it's not good" we look and see y/n.

She looks and sees me. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "Well typically when your friend leaves, you wanna go after them" Tobi says.

"Y/n listen-"

"No I'm sorry I just can't hear you out, I'm tired of being a choice, we have liked each other for what, a year or two? I still remember the night you told me about Alyssa, you were in love with her, which by the way can't blame you, cause she is wow, but during your relationship with her, you still loved me, it wasn't fair to her, and during that relationship you made it very clear you didn't want me, then you did, then you didn't, I just want you to make up your mind, me or her? If you choose her I will gladly be your friend, I've done that for 2 years now, I'll be fine with it, I just don't like doing that to Alyssa" y/n says.

She walks past me and grabs her bag and coat. She walks outside. Tobi goes to say something but I'm already out the door.

Y/n was about to get in her car. She looks at me. I waste no time kissing her. She stiffens up but slowly melts into it.

I grab her waist and pull her closer.

We hear Tobi from behind us. "Haha yes!" She yells. I pull back. "It has always been you, y/n, there was not a single time when I didn't regret not choosing you" I say.

She just smiles and kisses me again. "What's happening?" Max asks. "They kissed!" Tobi yells.

I pull back. "I'm so sorry, I've been very indecisive, but now I know, I want you, and only you" I say.

She smiles at me and just hugs me. "Hey not to be a mood killer but um I'm kind of cold and it is pouring outside" Tobi says.

"Wanna head home and we can watch a movie or something, just so Tobi doesn't bother us?" I ask.

Y/n laughs slightly. "Yeah sounds great."

We drive home. Me and y/n walk in hand in hand. "Aw look at you two" Cam says. "Gross, anyways, we are gonna head back over to our house, I'm only assuming Eric is going to be staying?" Cam asks. "Yeah, where did Alyssa go?" I ask.

"She went back to her ex boyfriends house, she's said that she wishes you guys good luck in your relationship" Mason says.

"You were asleep the entire time she said that, how do you know?" Cam asks. "Don't question, I'm tired" Mason says.

"Well me and y/n were hoping to have some alone time so if you can leave that would be great"

Mason groan and gets up. "Don't get her pregnant" he says. Y/n smacks him in the back of the head.

"What? You gotta be careful, even on the slim chance that you can be, god woman are mean" Mason says rubbing his head.

Everyone says their goodbyes and leave. "So wanna watch that movie?" I ask.

Y/n smiles and nods.

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