the party

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Y/n pov

A couple days had passed and Eric texted me saying the party was at 6. I still had a lot of shit to do like my merch was dropping and i still need to call the pharmacy for my meds.

I went to my local vape shop first, there was only one dragon fruit left. I went to get it i didnt see this other guy grab it.

"Oh shit im sor-" we both say at the same time. I look and see Eric. "Oh hey" he says. "Hello" i say. "You can go ahead and take it, i can just get a different one" i say. "No no you take it its like your thing" he says. "No no i insist you take it, i have another personal favorite" i say.

"No no you take it, i was already planning on getting strawberry" he says. Handing me the dragon fruit. "Ok fine ill take it ill let you get a drag at the party." I say. "Seems fair" he says. "Do ya need any liquor?" I ask. "Um probably just some wine for the ladies we pretty much have everything covered" he says i nod. "Anyways gotta go see you then"i say. He nods. "See ya"he says. I pay for my stuff and leave i pick up my medication and drive home. My manager told me something went wrong with the website which delayed to whole drop until next saturday.

Wonderful.. Just wonderful. I was getting dressed when Toby called.

T- Oi cunt!

Y- hello Tobs whats up?

T- Are you and Jacob still together?

Y- oh hell no why?

T- oh nothing just someone wanted to know~

Y- alright? Anyways ill see you guys in a bit i have some shit to do

T- alright bye

Y- bye cunt!

I hang up and finish getting dressed. I get dressed in pretty much all black except some jewelery and i put on my makeup to look some what decent

It was 5 pm at this point i go to the store and pick up some wine and a few shot glasses. I get the things and leave. It was almost 6. I was already headed that way i check to see if my mask is there it was we were good. I get to the place and i could feel the vibration from the music.

I knock on the door and Toby opens it. "Finally your fucking here come on!" She says. I walk in and people were everywhere.  I set down the wine and some shot glasses.

"Hey you finally came how are ya?" Swagger asks. "Im alright how about you?" I ask. "Eh im alright" he says. I nod. "You look great" he says. "You dont look too bad yourself" i say. He laughs.

Toby comes up to me. "Come on mate and dance with me bring your boy toy too" she says walking away. "Shall we dance?" I ask holding my hand out. He nods and grabs my hand. I pull him out to where everyone was just dancing. We all start dancing and drinking. We played beer pong and all that shit.

"Have you guys ever played ducky fuzz?" I ask. "Oh no not ducky fuzz" Toby says. "What the fuck is that?" Swagger asks. "Basically everyone takes turns saying ducky fuzz and once someone messes up and says like fucky duzz or some shit that person has to drink" i say. "Well this could go wrong. Lets do it" Fitz says.

We play the game and continue going round and round.

"Ducky fuzz"
"Ducky fuzz"
"Ducky fuzz"
"Fucky duzz"

Swagger was the first to fuck up. "Ooo too bad swag man drink up" i say he drinks through his mask.

We finish the game and Fitz and Toby were fuckedddd. Toby was flirting with someone Fitz was just dancing. It was getting a bit too loud for me. I decide to go outside just for a little bit. I was sitting there my mask was all sticky from the alcohol i had to drink it through my mask to avoid people seeing my face.

I hear someone coming i turn around and see swagger. "Hey you ok?" He asks.  I nod. "Just needed a break" i say he nods. He sits with me. "Is your mask also sticky?" He asks. "Yeah its weird normally alcohol doesnt really do that" i say. "Yeah we bought the majority of it from this weird liquor store that just opened." He says. I nod. "Oi cunts do you need any wipes or your mask or some shit?" Toby said handing me a package of wet wipes.

"I have to go there this chick whose like" she says. Slowly going back inside. "Shes so drunk mate" i say. "Yeah anyways here ya go" he says hand me one "Thank you" i say. I hesitantly take my mask off and try wiping where the alcohol was i also wipe my face carefully though since i had makeup on.

I look up and see swagger covering his eyes. "You ok?" I ask. "Yeah im fine i just dont want to make you uncomfortable" he says. "Your fine i trust you enough just beware what your about to see might scar you" i say. He laughs. "Are you sure i can look?" He asks. "Yes swagger im sure" i say. He slowly uncovers his eyes. "There we go, ease up a bit" i say patting his shoulder.

He relaxes i continue wiping the alcohol off my mask. In the corner of my eye i see him staring at me. I hear the door open and i quickly put my mask on. "Calm down cunt its just me" Toby says. I take my mask off. "Here you are" she says handing both me and swagger a shot of whiskey. "Cheers" she says. We tap and drink. "Alright i have to go find that babe i was talking to, also our friend Mason is here if you want to meet him?" Toby asks. "Sure" i say. She nods and almost falls walking back in.

A couple seconds pass by and the door slams open. I quickly put my mask on again. "Oi cunts i finally made it! Whose the chick?" I hear some guy say i turn around and see a dirty blonde haired man with a beer and a ciggie in his hand.

"My name is y/n" i say. "Nice to meet you, the names Mason" he says smiling at me. I nod. He sits next to Eric. "Who brought the hottie?" He asks. "She can hear you dipshit" Eric says. "Oh" Mason says.

After we talk for a bit. We all go inside. Fitz and i chat for a bit mainly about youtube, he invites me to dance with him. I of course accept we dance for a while. Toby joined us. Eventually mine and Tobys song came on. "Its our fucking song." Toby said. "Oh god." I say. "What?" Eric asked everyone was confused. Toby gently pushed me on the couch and started giving me a semi lap dance semi just sexy dance. Eric and Fitz lost it Mason was cheering it on.

"What the actual fuck is going on?" Fitz asks while laughing. "Magic is  happening Fitz" i say. He laughs more. The song soon ends. "I must say you do it better drunk" i say. Toby laughs. "That was the most confusing and beautiful thing ever." Swagger says. "Good" i say. We drink a shit ton more to the point where the rest of the night was blurry

*to the next morning*

I wake up to someone snoring i had a major headache my head was on someones chest like bare chest. There was also arms round my waist. I look around and see i was laying on Swagger and Fitz was holding me. They were both awake we all scream.

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