the frog pt2

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A/n: long time no see also i have a new book, i swear im working on a schedule, also the book is about Mr Nice Catch himself, Jschlatt if you know where the reference name is from, i love you<3

After the sushi place we go out to The Star.

"We are trying to get to 5 grand total" Ryan says. "Here i have at least 700, here mate" i say grabbing my phone and pull out two 100s and i grab my wallet and grab the remaining 5.

I han it to ryan. "Im not gonna question why you have money in your phone but alright" Swagger says. "A magician never reveals their secrets" i say. "Its not ma- ok fine whatever what color are we going for?" He ask.

"We are going for red" Ryan says. "Oh you arent gonna get it go black" i say.

"We know what we are doing, let the real men figure it out no women involved" Matt say.  "I will throw you" i say. "Do it then, pussy" he say i go to grab him he runs away. "Ah now whose the pussy?" I ask. He laughs. "Ah shit i forgot my ID.." Fitz says.

We all groan. "Oh come on Fitz yiu fucking idiot" Mason says.

All of us except Fitz goes into the gambling thingy. There was a guy approaching me. Swagger notices and wraps his arm around my waist. The guy pauses then goes back to where he came from. I look at swagger he winks at me.

We continue to the table. "Why you blushing? Did swagger embarrass himself again and now its got you flustered" Tobi ask.

"No actually-"

"We dont talk about it." I cut swagger off. He looks at me and smirks.

"Ah i get it now" Tobi says. "We are going for red please" Ryan says. The guy does the thing.

Swagger pulls me closer to him. I put my arms around his neck.. Not in a choking way though... We aint doing that gross shit you pervs.

The thing spins and it lands on.....


Everyone yells in anger. We go back out and tell Fitz. "You realize this is just a shitty David Dobrik video right?" He says we all laugh.

We walk out of the star, me and swagger still holding onto each other i know he doesnt like me why must it be that i like him? It makes no sense.

"Are you trying to get a walking away shot, Mitchell?" Fitz asks. "Oh shit- im sorry did i ruin this?" He asks both of them laugh.

We all get home. "Alright guys im gonna take a shower, today was well.. Ya know" i say. "Alright guys we will be out in a few minutes" swagger says. "Oh shut up you nasty" i say playfully pushing him.

He laughs and sits on the couch. I go upstairs and take a shower. It felt nice to have swagger put his arms around me, i felt protected even if im a little taller than him i still feel like he protects me.

I need to stop playing these games if im just gonna be heart broken.

I get out of the shower and get dressed.

"Y/n, i have a surprise" Swagger says. "I dont know if i want it... I dont trust you" i say

"What? Why? Its not like i have my cock out or anything" he says i scrunch my nose. "Ok now that you say that i absolutely dont want to leave here" i say. "He doesnt have his cock out cunt just come out here" Tobi says. "Ok i trust Tobi on this." I say opening the door.

Swagger was there with a frog on his hand. "Aww hello there little guy, oh there is a frog here a well" i say. Tobi laughs. Swagger gives me the 'really' face.

I laugh. "Im joking" i say. "I hate you" swagger says. "I love you too" i say. He smiles and shakes his head. "Can i hold him, or her we dont discriminate" i say.

Swagger nods. I hold my hand out. "Come on litte buddy" i say. It slowly gets on my hand.

I pet it with my finger. 

"Im naming it Gregory" i say. "Gregory?" Swagger asks. I nod.

We all go downstairs where the others are. "Oh also Manuel is terrified of it, so just so you know" Swagger says i nod.

"Did you get rid of it?" Manuel ask. "Yes we did" Tobi says. I stand next to Manuel. "Hey Manuel" i say. "Yeah?" He asks. "I have been wanting to ask this question for a long time.." I say. "What the hell is she doing?" Fitz asks. "Oh god she better not do it" Tobi says.

I sigh and get down on one knee. Manuel laughs. "Oh for fucks sake" Tobi says. "Why out of all days" Fitz asks.

"Will you turn him into a prince?" I ask. "What?" Manuel asks. I open my hands and reveal the frog. Manuel screams and runs away. Everyone laugh.

Eventually the frog gets on Fitz head.

Tobi and Fitz sing a song about it... You know the usual stuff.

They eventually set the frog free. "They grow up so fast" i say fake crying. Swagger side hugs me. "Why did we choose these two fucks to come along?" Tobi ask. I laugh.

"Ah anyways i gotta go to be loves i have a doctors appointment 2 days from now, love you all goodnight" i say.

"Love youuu" Swagger says in a whiny voice. "Love you too honey bun" i say in a whiny voice back he laughs.

"Honey bun?" He asks normally. "Yes sugar lips now goodnight" i say.

I go upstairs and go to bed

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