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I had gotten all my stuff ready and i had put on some makeup so i didnt look like absolute trash just pretty trash.

I had dropped Hades off with my mum because i trusted her and knew she would not hurt him. I was getting dressed when i heard a knock at the door. I continued getting dressed and i heard another knock.

"Come down faggot!" I hear Toby yell. I shake my head and smile. "Come on we are very busy men and woman" swagger says. "Im coming you impatient cunts" i yell getting my shoes on.

I run and grab my bags. I open the door and see Toby with someone i didnt recognize.

"What? You are looking at me like you has zero clue who i am" the man says. It was swagger.

"Oh shit Eric is that you?" I ask. "Oh you havent seen my face!" He says laughing. "Yeah dude you're hot" i say. He smiles. "Aw look at you two!" Toby says i flip her off. She laughs and grabs my bag.

"You have your passport right?" She asks. "Of course" i say. She nods. I get in their car and we get to the air port.

We get on the plane and it was a smooth ride me and Eric played 8ball and just casually flip each other off for fun.

We eventually get off "i cant believe the security didnt find all that coke" toby says to the camera.

"Hey guys, we made it to gold coast, its all sunny and gold" Mason says to the camera. We get to our little apartment thingy. Toby was fucking around with the camera, Mason was playing golf and calling himself tiger woods and i was talking to my mom.


We were driving in this like travel bus sort of thing, i was next to Eric. It was a pretty rocky road i fucking hated it too. Me and toby were playing 8ball and Eric started another flipping off fight with me. That went on for about an hour before the road started to get really bumpy everyone was either cheering and going 'woahh' or litterally screaming. Eric grabs on to my hand

"You ok?" I ask. "Nope" he says. A couple minutes goes by and Eric went outside to piss, everyone was yelling at him and making jokes. "Say your a dog!" Fitz yells. "Oi cover up ya dog" i say. "Suck my dick!" Eric yells. "Bet how much?" I ask. "Wait what?" He asks. Everyone laughs.He shoed us away because he wanted privacy. "What a privileged cunt" Jay says.

We drive down the dirt road while Eric pisses, we go back and yell at him some more. "Hey nice cock mate!" Toby yells. I high five her. She laughs. Fitz gets out of the car and starts bullying Eric. "Hey everyone swaggers taking a piss!" He say pointing to him. Eric soon finishes.

"He reckons he could survive in the wilderness." Fitz say. They all get back in the car. "So about earlier" Eric says smirking. "Oh piss off you dog" i say shoving him playfully. He laughs. "No seriously though how much?" I ask. "Oh shut up you horny cunt" he says. "I reckon they are gonna get together" Toby says me and Eric turns to her. "You dont think they heard me do you?" She asks the camera. I shake my head and laugh. I turn back around and the road got bumpy again.

I grab Erics hand this time. He looks at our hands and goes red.

We eventually get to Byron Bay and we get out of our bus type thing. We get in and it was a beautiful place. Toby had the camera she filmed me and Eric.

"So you guys gonna explain the hands or are we gonna figure out when you are screaming each others names?" She asks. Me and Eric look down and see our hands are still together.

"Sorry" we both say removing our hands from each other. "Well this explain a lot about that one late night phone call eh?" Jay asks. I was confused.

Eric shushes him. "Wait what happened?" I ask. "Oh nothing just that you were Swags celeb cr-" Eric smacks the back of his head. "Crush" jay finishes. Eric kicks him. "Oi shorty calm down its ok i know im extremely breath taking eh?" I ask winking at him. He goes red and laughs.

We just explore the place and then we go into this room where Fitz and Mason were gonna box.

"Woah they have gloves and everything!" Mason says. He was like a kid in a candy store. They put on the gloves and start their little thing.

"I dont know how hard this cunt is gonna hit" Fitz says the circle around a bit. Mason bops him straight in the nose everyone freaks out.

"I gotta be humble right now im not being humble bro" Mason says. He was hyped up. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah well you just fucked my nose, bop on it mate" Fitz says.

"Sorry" Mason says. "Ah its alright" Fitz says. They hug. "We may have just fought but we are still good friends." Fitz says to the camera.

Toby wanted to practice punching so she gave me those like little gloves you put on your hands so the other person can just punch them like hand punching bags or some shit like that.

She punchs for a bit. "Quick tip dont hit like how a serial killer stabs because thats not gonna do anything. Full on just bro fist it mate" i say. She nods and goes for it. "Oh shit yeah there ya go" i say.

We soon finish and we see a tennis court and um lets say swagger was awful at it. Swagger tries hitting it to the other guy he waa playing with but it bounced out of the fence. "The idea of the fence is to keep the balls in i think" toby says. I pass swagger back the ball.

Swagger serves the ball and that was just as bad as his hitting. "You suck!" I yell. "Your gonna be the one sucking if you dont shut the fuck up" he yells back. "You, me,bathroom 7pm first one there gets sucked off" i say. "There isnt anything to suck on" he says.

"Well now i know you dont know where the clit is ya dog, i feel bad for your other hook ups" i say.

"I do know where the clit is" he says. "Then where is it?" I ask. "Isnt it inside of the woman?" he says. I face palm. "Oh you beautiful idiot" i say.

"So no head?" He asks. He tries hitting the ball again it goes towards me i catch it. "See you in the bathroom swags." I say throwing the ball at him and winking. "Fuck yeah get it swag." Toby yells.

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