pilot chapter

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A/n: yes another story dont judge me dammit.

Swaggersouls pov

We were filming a misfits podcast with Matt and Jay and we had gotten into the conversation of meeting celebs. "Have you guys ever met any celebrities?" Jay ask. "Uhh no i was close to meeting um y/yt/n(your youtube name)" i say. "The twitch streamer?' Fitz asks. "Yeah she is also a youtuber" i say. "You lucky little fuck" Jay says. "Yeah i was uh walking around in the vape shop down the road and i saw her, she got fucking what was it its the flavor i have now its dragon fruit and its fucking amazing" i say.

"So she has good taste?" Fitz says. "Oh for sure" i say. We continue talking about her for a second then finishing up the podcast.

I was in my room just laying and playing on my phone when Toby texted me.

T- you met y/n?

S- i almost did yeah.

T- oh dude she is my bestfriend.

S- no way your fucking with me.

T- im not, ill prove it.

S- sure whatever.

*time skip a week later*

"Hello and welcome back to the Misfits podcast rated 5 stars on itunes by Mr.Cumstain saying 'if i had a nickel for everytime swagger brought up y/yt/n id be Mr.Beast'" Fitz says. "Well they arent wrong mate" Toby says.

"Today we are joined by Toby, Swagger, and a mystery guest that Toby is bringing " Fitz says. "Speaking of that i reckon they will be here in a minute" Toby say going on her phone.

"Alright you two cunts talk i have to go get the surprise" Toby says getting up.

"Who do you think it is?" Firz asks. "I dont fucking know its Toby she probably brought a World War II bomb" i say taking a hit of my vape.

"Yeab i reckon its already lit" Fitz says.

"Close your eyes" Toby says. I cover my eyes. I feel a presence next to me. "Alright, you good?" Toby say. "Yeah im nervous as hell mate"the mystery voice said i kind of recognized it, no fucking way, nah theres no way.

"Alright open your eyes" Toby says. I uncover my eyes and look to my right and see y/n. "Holy shit" me and Fitz yell. She smiles i think... I dont know she has her signature mask on.

"Oh my god i Absolutely love your content" i say. "I know i saw your dm messages" she says. "Oh shit! You fucking dmed her what are you a 14 year old fan girl?" Toby asks.

"Yeah i reckon he was drunk for most of them but um i think he said was that he loved my content and said i look like wifey material" she says awkwardly laughing. Fitz and Toby were laughing. "Im so sorry about that" i say getting embarrassed. "No no its fine i find it quite adorable especially with the little selfie you sent with it" she says.

"You think im cute?" I say. "Of course even though i dont know what you look like i reckon you look quite adorable" she says. "This is the first time i have heard you compliment someone" Toby say.

"Well i dont wanna piss anymore people off normally im very honest and offensive i dont want to upset these two cunts if i say some offensive shit" she says.

"Wait so do you actually think hes cute?" Fitz asks. "Oh surely" she says.

"Aw" Fitz say. "Gross" he says we all laugh. "Anyways, so where are you from?" Fitz asks. "Sydney, Australia" she answers. "How is it there?" Fitz asks. "Fucking terrifying i visited there to see my mum and there was the giant fucking spider like the size of my fist maybe a bit bigger, i had to run around my house with a knife like a fucking psycho trying to kill the cunt i accidentally cut the tip of my pinky off" she says showing her pinky. No nail nothing just a stub. "Oo ouch" Fitz says.

"Yeah it was fucking terrifying my mum was more pissed at the fact i got blood on the floor then the fact i lost a bit of my pinky" she says. We all laugh.

"How long have you and Toby been friends?" I ask. "Since she was 13 and i was 15 i reckon, we met in grade school surely" she says. "So your now 25?" I ask. "Im 24 right now my birthday is coming up though" she says.

I nod. "Is it ok if i?" She asks wiping out her vape. "Oh yeah go on" Fitz says. She takes a hit through her mask.

"I love how she never said vape she just whipped it out like a cowboy in a draw match" Fitz says. She blows out the smoke. "Yeah if im being honest i forgot what it was called" she says. "Oo thats a nice smell what is the flavor?" Fitz asks. "Dragon fruit, its normally my go to flavor" she says.

"Thats nice swagger has been using that flavor a lot" fitz says. "So i must ask what was your idea for you mask?" I ask.

"Um i originally had it just plain black and i just added chains and used white pen to put the x's on it. I just enjoyed the look and just went with it" she says.

We continue talking about different stuff, i felt like me and y/n talked more than Fitz and Toby. I couldnt get my eyes off her, she was a total babe.

Fitz and i were talking and all i could think about was y/n, it was weird. I mean i used to have a crush on her but that was months ago but xould i have a chance?

We finish the podcast and we all go to the living room. "Thank you so much for joining us, we are throwing a little party if you want to join us" Fitz asks rubbing the back of his neck. "Of course when?" She ask. "This weekend" he says. "Ok see you all there" she says.

"I have to go but um thank you for having me over this was amazing" she says. She walks out.

"I should have got her number" i say. "Then go you fucking idiot" Toby says. I run after her. She turns and see me. "Oh hi swagger" she says. "Please call me Eric" i say. She nods. "So whats up?" She ask. "Can i perhaps have your number? I know that sounds weird i dont mean to sound like im getting with you or anything but um i..i just um heh uh" i stutter.

She giggles. She takes out a pen and a small piece of paper. She writes it out. She hands it to me. "Here" she says winking and getting into her car, she drives off leaving me dumbfounded.

"Finally you grew a fucking pair, come on, we need to start dinner" Toby says.

We walk in. "You finally got her number mate!" Fitz says. "Fuck yeah!" I yell.

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