Love letter - Javier

470 12 12

- Neat-ish handwriting, like chicken scratch.

- Writes to you if he's on a mission for a while or if you're not in the gang.


My dearest, Y/N,
I'm sorry I can't be with you now, but this is the best we can get at the moment. I just wanted to say that I love and miss you and I wish I was there with you right now. I've been thinking about our past dates and think we should go on one whenever I get back. I'll take you to a fancy restaurant just like when we first started dating. I'll even buy you some of those candies you love so much. I might even teach you how to dance. I wish I could be with you every second of every day. I love you Hermosa.



I hate it
Please give me requests I have no inspiration

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