Protected (Javier×F!Reader)

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Javier Escuella × Female Reader

About: You are very quiet and don't let anyone close to you emotionally or physically and don't let yourself get attached to anyone but Javier confesses to you after protecting you.

1100 Words


Javier and you were sitting at the campfire, just the two of you. You were sitting against the log while Javier sat on his bedroll messing around with his guitar. It was pretty late at night and you were just enjoying the sound being Javier quietly strumming his guitar and the crickets.

You had been in the Van Der Linde gang for nearly a year now and Javier had developed a crush on you by the end of your first month. I mean who wouldn't. You're a brave, smart, and talented woman who knows how to pull their own weight, not to mention you were pretty attractive as well, But you were kinda... shy? No that's not the word. Quiet? Yea quiet. You were kinda quiet and reserved. You didn't talk to anyone unless you had to. For the first few days, Most of the camp thought you were mute.

Javier didn't notice that you were starting to fall asleep until he looked up from his guitar and saw you sleeping soundly against the log. He chuckled quietly to himself and stood up to get you a blanket.

Once he got you covered up with a blanket he sat down in front of the log on the opposite side a few feet away from you and leaned himself against it. He just watched you for a while and admired how attractive you were and how calm you looked. After a while, Javier also dozed off.

Javier woke to the sound of shuffling and opened his eyes to see you getting up and walking away with the blanket wrapped around you. He frowned and sighed to himself when you were out of sight. He got up and guessed he might as well start the day even though no one else was awake except you two.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Later that day Javier came up to you and asked if you would rob a homestead with him. You agreed knowing that you needed to give some money to Dutch soon or you'd feel guilty for not carrying your weight.

It was a large homestead with a weirdly speaking family that kinda freaked you out but, the robbery went pretty well overall though. You both got a decent amount of money for both the camp and yourselves.

You and Javier had both mounted up and you were getting ready to ride off.

"Want to go to a saloon to celebrate?" Javier asked with a kind smile before you could ride off. You couldn't help but accept the offer.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

You both sat at the bar sipping on whiskey when a man too drunk for his own good came stumbling over to you. He leaned on the bar and lowered his head to your level.

"Your a pretty little thang aren't you." He awfully flirted with you. As soon as he spoke you knew that he had a bit too much to drink judging by his heavy slur. You stayed silent but he didn't get the hint that you wanted to be left alone. "Strong and silent type huh?" He spoke again heavily slurring his words. By this point, Javier was giving him a death glare, if looks could kill this man would be a goner, but to no avail, the drunken man still horribly and weirdly flirted with you

You have had enough of this guy after about two minutes of him making you uncomfortable and so did Javier. Javier got in between you and the man and pushed him away.

"She's taken amigo, so why don't you fuck off and find someone else to harass." Javier spat at the man. Well, the man didn't take this news too well and went to swing at Javier. But Javier was more than prepared for this. He quickly pinned the man's arm that swung at him on the bar and grabbed his knife from his holster. You knew what was about to happen so you quickly grabbed Javier's hand stopping him from stabbing the knife through the man's hand.

"Please Javier, I don't want to start a fight." You pleaded quietly.

Javier took his hand out of your grasp and let the man go but still shoved him back causing him to fall over.

"Saved by the lady" Javier snarled at the man then turned to you and smiled as if none of this just happened and wrapped his arm around your waist while the two of you walked out of the saloon.

"Well, that was an eventful drink." You said quietly more to yourself than Javier.

"Sure was Hermosa" He spoke with a smile.

"Hermosa?" You questioned him not expecting to get an answer.

Javier didn't answer you but did walk you both to your horses while still keeping his arm around your waist. He didn't need to but neither of you pulled away so you just went with it.

You thought it was nice of him to pretend to date you so that bastard would leave you alone, but you got a small taste of what it was like to be in a relationship with Javier and you realized your feelings for him. You got the smallest little taste of what that relationship would be like and now you wanted it.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The next night you and Javier were both sitting at the campfire with only eachothers company again. You were both sitting next to each other on the log, and Javier decided tonight was the night, he was going to tell you his real feelings.

"Hermosa?" He spoke his voice had excitement but also a hint of nervousness in it

"Yea Javier?" You spoke, suspicious of what he was up to

"I-I think I'm in love with you" He stumbled over his words a bit but nonetheless still confessed. His confession caught you completely off guard and your face started heating up, a light pink brushed on your cheeks.

You turned your head to him and he was already looking at you, His face probably redder than yours. He slowly leaned his head forwards towards yours. He searched your face for any kind of discomfort or fear and once he was sure he went in for the kiss.

You were even more shocked now but soon melted into the kiss. The mental walls you put up came crashing down.

Once you two finally parted from the kiss you two just stared into the other's eyes with pure adoration.

"I love you, Hermosa." Javier spoke quietly, his voice filled with pure bliss and love.


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