Evie tries on a dress that hugs her body all the way down to her knees where the material starts to fall beautifully into a short train behind the dress. The back is open with just a bow. It's red, shiny and bright and it goes so well with her hair. We all beg for her to get that one and she finally agrees, spinning around in it elegantly. It really looked amazing on her and I swear... if Pierre isn't wrapped around her finger by the end of the night, then I definitely am.

I realized I was getting picky when I only had three dresses left to try on. I put one on and thought that maybe I don't like these because a part of me doesn't want to go. But then I put on a dress that had almost like a corset top with a square neckline. It was short sleeved with skinny straps holding the dress up on my chest. The skirt started falling at my hips and there was a slit going up on my left thigh. The skirt wasn't too big, quite small and quite subtle, but still falling in all the right places. I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go if I got to show myself off in this dress.

The others in the room nearly gasped when I walked out to show it and Evie gave me strict orders to get the dress. I smiled at her and nodded as she looked me up and down with wide and sparkling eyes. She went to change out of her dress and Pascale leaned in next to me.

"Je pense que Charles va aimer celui-ci," I think Charles is going to like this one, she says before putting a hand on my arm as she passes me and goes out to the lady waiting by the register.

I look at myself and let her words register. I wonder if he would? I always feel like boys don't really care about what girls wear anyway, so to think that Charles would like one red dress over the other seems quite unbelievable to me.

I change into my other clothes, we buy the dresses and Pascale gives us strict orders to keep the dresses in the big bags you get them in to protect them. She tells us we're not allowed to show the boys the dresses under any circumstances. Her reasoning is that she never got to see me at my prom and therefore, she might as well pretend that this is my prom. I remind her that boys are allowed to see girls prom dresses and she shakes her said with a simple;

"Not in this house they're not."

The boys had woken up and were watching Gossip Girl in my bed when we got back. They had apparently walked into my bedroom, seen that it was empty and just decided to go on with their morning routine as normal anyway. They asked to see the dresses and we went out of the room and let Pascale hide them instead. We don't trust that the guys won't peek at them. It's a few days until the Ferrari event so it would be difficult for them to resist it for that long.

One of the days it rains the whole day. Meaning we spent more than only one hour watching Gossip Girl. We spent the whole morning and half the afternoon watching TV. Arthur was the first in, he brought tea for all three of us and squeezed in between Evie and I. We mostly laid there and talked, Arthur finally brought himself to ask Evie about her and Pierre. She started blushing and stuttered out the situation, explaining how Max would hate it if they started dating but they had kissed and they were still kind of close. I would've worded it differently. They can't stay away from each other. They know they shouldn't, but they can't help it.

Charles and Pierre eventually walked into the room looking tired with their hair all over the place. They stumble into the room and Pierre crashes down on the bed behind Evie, casually wrapping an arm around her waist and she casually leans into him as this is just a normal occurrence at this point. Charles has no choice really, than to lay behind me every morning. So he crashes down on his stomach with his face into the pillow.

"Ne bave pas dessus," Don't drool on it, I tell him. He turns his head and narrows his eyes as he looks at me. He looked at me like he'd like to spit on it just for saying that, so I gently pushed him to make him fall off the bed. He lost his balance and grabbed onto my hips to try and stop his fall, but he just ended up pulling me with him and the both of us ended up on the floor.

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