On race day I finally got my revenge. For once in my life I woke up before Arthur. Charles had been up for a while to prepare for the race. I snuck into Arthur's room, watching him sleep peacefully in his bed and I smiled to myself. Not at all because it's sweet, but because I can get back at him.

I go up to squat down at the end of his bed where his foot is sticking out. I start to tickle under his foot and soon he starts twitching. When he stills, I continue. When I'm sure he's a bit more awake, but still confused, I jump up and land on top of him. He huffs and yells from the scare before pushing me off.

"Tu es une menace totale," You total menace, he sighs as he rolls over.

"C'est le jour de la course et je veux voir Evelina, lève-toi," It's race day and I want to see Evelina, get up, I tell him, rolling out of his bed to open the curtains, letting the sun in. He mutters something about being down in five as I walk out of his room, rolling my eyes.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and the first thing I smell is bacon. Charles is in the kitchen, bandana tied around his head to keep the hair out of his face. He's in shorts but the shirt is missing. My eyes scan his chest and stomach before I look away, shameful. He didn't see it but I can't look at his chest like that.

He looks up at me, "tu es debout avant Arthur, une fois dans une vie," You're up before Arthur, that's a once in a lifetime.

I smile sarcastically at him before sitting down at the kitchen island across from where he's standing. He puts some bacon and scrambled eggs on a plate and places it in front of me before I get the chance to protest.

"Oh .. non, je ne peux pas manger le matin," Oh, no, I can't eat in the morning, I tell him as I give him back the plate.

"Sauf si vous êtes enceinte, vous pouvez," Unless you're pregnant, you can, he says before putting it back in front of me. I glare at him for a moment and he just glares back.

"Depuis quand préparez-vous le petit-déjeuner le matin de toute façon?" Since when do you make breakfast in the morning anyway, I ask, grabbing a fork. I can at least try some if he made it, even though I don't feel hungry at all.

"Depuis que je voulais prouver à tes parents que je vaux mieux que toi et Arthur réunis," Since I wanted to prove to your parents that I'm better than both you and Arthur combined, he smiles at me as I chew the bacon.

I chuckle at him, "Personne n'aime un show-off," Nobody likes a show-off.

"Je le fais, s'il a du bacon," I do, if he has bacon, my dad says, entering the sunny kitchen. I slide the plate over to him and stand up from the stool.

"Tu peux avoir le mien, je vais me préparer," You can have mine, I'm going to get ready, I say, walking out of the kitchen to head back upstairs.

"La course n'est pas avant trois," the race isn't until three, Dad says as I'm on my way out of there.

"Elle ira avec moi," She'll go with me, Charles quickly says, making us both turn to him, "Elle ira là-bas avec moi, pour qu'elle puisse voir Evelina un moment." She'll go with me so she can see Evelina for a while, he adds.

My dad silently nods and I smile at Charles before heading upstairs. When walking into the room I'm staying in, Arthur is on my bed with my phone in his hand. He doesn't even look at me when I walk in.

"Je cherche des garçons," I'm looking for boys, he says.

"Bon de savoir que tu as une nouvelle orientation," Good to know you have a new orientation, I say as I snatch the phone from his hands.

"Je cherchais à voir si tu me cachais des choses, comme un petit ami." I was looking to see if you were hiding things from me, like a boyfriend, he says, sitting up on my bed while I walk over to sit down by the mirror.

"Pourquoi aurais-je un petit ami, tu l'aurais su." Why would I have a boyfriend, you would've known, I tell him.

"Tu es plus heureux," You're happier. I look up at him, meeting his eyes through the mirror.

"Arthur," I say, a bit of warning in my tone.

"Peut-être juste parce que tu me vois moi et mon beau visage," Maybe because you get to see me and my beautiful face, he says, rolling over on his stomach and smiling widely with his hands under his chin. I chuckle at him as I start my makeup, "Pour qui deviens-tu jolie?" Who are you getting pretty for, he asks.

This time I turned around, throwing my beauty blender at him, "Je te l'ai dit, on ne se fait pas jolie pour les autres!" I told you, we don't make ourselves pretty for others, I yell at him as he throws my beauty blender back at me while laughing, "Il y a des caméras partout," There are cameras all over there, I add when I turn back to the mirror.

"Toto Wolff a une femme," Toto Wolff has a wife, he says and I sigh again.

"Toto Wolff a 46 ans," He's 46 years old, I state.

"Ouais, mais il est chaud, non?," Yeah, but he's hot, right? he asks while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Je suis content d'apprendre ta nouvelle orientation sexuelle Arthur, je suis content pour toi," I'm happy to hear about your new sexual orientation Arthur, I'm happy for you, I say while he's laughing behind me.

For the next hour, Arthur is on my bed on his phone, scrolling through Instagram while I get ready. I actually put on some eyeliner for the first time in years and I let my brown hair down. I get dressed and Arthur goes downstairs to eat some breakfast, waiting until I come down.

Charles is waiting on the couch in his Sauber shirt, ready to leave. He is talking to my mum and I can hear her making an attempt to sound happy and supportive of his F1 career. I know she doesn't like that they keep racing, when the worst has happened so close to us. She just cares about them and wants them to stay safe. She doesn't want the same thing to happen to them. I'm not sure she'll be okay to go to the race, but I do hope she'll try for him.

He looks up at me when I walk into the room, "Êtes-vous prêt à aller?" Are you ready to go, he asks, starting to stand up.

"Tu n'es pas obligé d'aller avec lui maintenant, nous serons là quand la course commencera, pourquoi tu n'irais pas avec nous?" You don't have to go with him now, we'll be there when the race starts, why don't you go with us? Mum asks, looking at me and taking my hand.

"Je veux voir Evelina avant la course," I want to see Evelina before the race, I tell her, pulling my hand away as I walk out to the hallway.

"J'ai appelé Daniel, ça va," I called Daniel, it's okay, my dad tells my mum before we walk out the door. I stop and just roll my eyes because they are being ridiculous. It's not like I am getting into the car, I'm on the side. I don't get why they don't even want me at the paddock. I think they're worried it's difficult for me just because it's difficult for them.

"A plus tard les gars!" See you guys later, Arthur yells from the kitchen, his mouth stuffed with food. As we close the door I hear Pascale yell at him for talking with food in his mouth. I thought he was coming with us but... I guess not?

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