Jules Bianchi's 13-year old sister, who is she?

Formula 1 drivers bring their wife, girlfriends or parents to their races. Driver Jules Bianchi made us all heart-eyes when he came in with his younger sister under his arm. Céline Bianchi has been to multiple of her brother's races since he signed into Formula 1 in 2013. Occasionally, accompanied by Jules godson and family friends, Charles and Arthur Leclerc.

The 13-year old gets to walk the paddock with her brother and all the other drivers, living a girl's dream at a young age.

When she isn't at a race with her brother she goes to school in her home town of Monte-Carlo. The Monegasque family spends a lot of time with the family of the young racer, Charles Leclerc, who is Jules' godson. She dances and the support from her brother is always very obvious to other people.

From the looks of it she is living the life and is probably growing up to become a total heart-throb. But don't expect to see her with any boys soon, Jules will have to scare them off soon enough!

I gave the phone back and shook my head, laughing at him. There was no way that was real. They wouldn't know what I do in my free time even if it was simple information like that.

"Tu me mens," you're lying, I said but Jules and Lorenzo shook their heads, surprised I didn't believe them.

"Non, la page n'est pas si grande mais elle est réelle ! tu es vraiment populaire sur la grille," it's real, it's not that big but it's real, you're popular on the grid, he told me with a wink and I rolled my eyes.

It was the first time I was written about in a magazine or a paper. Jules had been on TV multiple times and there was always articles and gossip going around about him. This time it was me and it was a mild one, my first one was good and when I think back on it, I'm glad that was my first because now I know they could've been worse. They're more frequent now, they're more invasive and most of them have straight lies in them.

Every night during the summer break, Jules came into my room and we watched a movie or something, or he would teach me Italian to make it easier for me to communicate with his girlfriend, who was from Italy. Usually when I talked to her, Jules would translate back and forth for us, but it was a bit inconvenient. I loved his girlfriend, she was so nice to me, she would do my hair for me, let me try some of her makeup and she always asked me what music I liked. She was really involved with Jules' family and I loved how much she cared.

Jules and I watched 34 movies during the summer break. 12 of them were a 10/10 -- the rest were below that. He told me about how he had started talking to Ferrari about a contract, but I wasn't allowed to tell anyone yet because it was all mainly talk and nothing certain.

When September came, I started school again and he went back to racing. I got to see most of the races in Europe, but when they went on to Asia to race it was too far for me to just do a simple trip over a weekend for a race. He raced Monza before flying to Singapore. Monza was when I got to hug my brother for the last time.

October 4th was the last time I spoke to him. He asked me how I was doing and told me he did well in qualifying. He promised me to score points the day after. He told me it had been raining but it had been to his advantage that day. I promised to watch the race on Sunday, me and Arthur were going to watch it together and he told me to say hi to the boys and to keep out of trouble. Daniel came into the room and Jules had to hang up.

"Je t'aime, je te reverrai bientôt, prends soin de toi je donnerai tout demain pour toi, bye!" I love you, see you soon, take care I will give everything tomorrow for you, he said before hanging up.

"Je t'aime, conduis prudemment!" I love you, drive safe, I said into the phone before hanging up and going back to Arthur who was waiting in my room.

October 5th was the last time Jules was conscious.

He crashed. It was raining and he crashed. He was taken to the hospital and had to have massive head surgery. He was put into a medically induced coma. He was at the hospital in Japan with my mother until November, when he was finally safe to transfer to the hospital in Nice. I got to see him a month after his crash.

That was my crash. Seeing him like that in a hospital bed. My big brother in a hospital bed, hadn't been conscious for my birthday, which I didn't celebrate. He hadn't been conscious for a month and a half. That was my crash. I didn't just slide on the gravel, I went right into the wall, no breaks.

Arthur and I watched the race together. It was early in the morning and I was half asleep. I wouldn't have noticed right away if Arthur wouldn't have pointed out the yellow flag only a minute or so before. Someone crashed and there was a safety car out. Suddenly, the commentator just exclaims in worry and suddenly I see the "BIA" sinking on the right side of the screen. My eyes widen and Arthur sits up straight.

The screen flicks and I see Jules car as he loses control of his car out of turn seven and goes straight into the rear of a tractor crane.The whole car went under the tractor and I just knew it was bad. I heard my parents yelling in the living room and Arthur was next to me within seconds. He puts a hand on my shoulder as both watch closely for anything to tell us that he's okay. Nothing.

There is nothing.

We heard desperate attempts from his team trying to reach him through the radio. They kept asking him if he was okay, if he could hear them. He didn't answer.

Those five minutes of not knowing were the slowest moments of my life. The tears started when they stated that they had to fly him to the hospital due to head trauma. My mother yelled as she cried downstairs and I knew something was horribly wrong. The TV showed the other drivers watching, all looking devastated. They have seen crashes, they know what a bad crash looks like. That was my tell. In a second, the wall I tried to keep up to keep myself sane just crumbled. My hand went over my mouth as I sobbed. I cried and I tried to keep quiet but I couldn't breathe. Arthur hugged me and I felt him shaking from the shock. He laid me down in his lap and just let me cry.

Soon, we heard the pitter patter of steps up the stairs and into the room came Charles who had watched at home with their dad. He saw us on the bed and he joined the hug silently and none of us said a word. The three of us just cried.

He pushed so hard only to get those points for me...

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