Chapter 44

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Draco's POV

My stomach turned as I heard the faded chatter in the background. There weren't supposed to be this many people here but there were. There were a lot, mainly all of them death eaters to make the situation ten times worse.

I didn't want Lara in that room. There were so many dangerous people that could hurt her, some I know already have. I watched as they took their turns going down to the cellar, some had a purpose, orders from the Dark Lord. However some just used her as a punching bag when they felt like it. I had to control myself from not killing each and everyone of them, I still could. If they so much as look at her tonight some blood is going to be spilled.

I was tying my bow tie trying to get it perfect. It annoyed me when it was skewed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Come in." I called hoping it would be Lara who walked through the door, she would calm my nerves by just her presence being near.

"Son." A cold voice announced. I subconsciously stiffened at the sound of my fathers voice, sending a cold shiver down my spine.

I turned to face him with no expression on my face. "Yes father." I replied.

He sauntered up to me. "Tonight is an important night for us. We are on thin ice with the Dark Lord so everything needs to go smoothly. Listen to me now because I won't repeat myself. You will engage in good conversation and drink a maximum of two drinks the whole night. I don't need you drunkenly slurring all over the place. You will dance with your half-blood little girlfriend." With the face he made it looked like it pained him to say that. My fists clenched at the way he referred to Lara like she was scum. "Make sure she behaves herself. There's no point trying to lie about her blood status, everyone already knows." He scoffed disapprovingly. "Finally, you will make no commotion whatsoever."

He grabbed my solder and squeezed it hard. Not in a fatherly support squeeze, a warning squeeze. I knew not to disobey him.

"Yes father." I said in a monotone tone.

He gave me a stiff nod before swiftly leaving. I let a breath go I didn't even know I was holding.

I gave myself one more look in the mirror. I hated the person I saw before me. I was weak, I always have been as my father likes to insinuate on me frequently. I let this happen, I put Lara in danger by getting involved with her in the first place. I knew I shouldn't, I knew it was going to end badly but she was just too irresistible. Everything about her was so beautifully engulfing.

She was my light, my saviour, my angel.

I waved myself out of my suffocating thoughts and headed towards the clattering voices downstairs. My eyes immediately looked for her as they always do in a crowd of people, I couldn't help it.

I knew she wouldn't have come down yet. My mother would make sure I was already here to welcome her. I waited by the staircase, my hands slightly clammy from the nervousness that was tying a knot in my stomach.

"Ah hum." A voice cleared behind me, I could tell it was my mothers before turning around.

I turned around to see her standing there all dressed up. "Where is she?" I asked but my question was shortly answered when she motioned to the top of the stairs.

I looked over for my eyes to connect with hers. My mouth automatically dropped a little as I gazed over her presence.

Holy fuck

Every bit of her body was clad in ivy green which perfectly complimented her porcelain skin. The top was in a corset design but a slightly transparent green so I could just see her stomach through mesh. The bottom of the dress fell down covering her legs all apart from a slit so every other step her long leg appeared.

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