Chapter 19

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"Ok so can we go to dinner now" Mattheo pleaded not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"No, not until you ask Daphne out, you've been crushing on her for like a year now, it's getting creepy." I admitted looking at daphne from across the courtyard. "Come on, get up, I am not leaving here until you ask her out" I protested.

"No please, I don't want to. What if she says no." He complained.

"I never knew Mattheo Riddle was such a scaredy cat, no wonder you're not in Gryffindor." I snorted. He slapped me playfully. I sighed. "Please, even if my love life is non existence I at least need my best friend's love life to be good." I looked at him with puppy eyes as I pouted my lip.

"Fine, but if I'm heartbroken after this, it's your fault." He pointed a mean finger at me.

"That's fine we can be heartbroken together." I said more loudly as he got up and rolled his eyes at me. I told Mattheo everything about Draco after Hermoine. Telling Hermoine really helped and I knew Mattheo would be supportive, which he was.

He stalked over to daphne. I could see them chatting, but I couldn't determine whether or not things were going well. My attention was drawn to someone behind them—it was Draco. I somehow always manage to bring my eyes to meet his cold ones.

He was watching me from across the courtyard. It wasn't an angry stare or a happy stare, it was a wishful stare. I shook my head and refocused on Mattheo who was getting up and smiling from ear to ear as he strode back to me. "I'm guessing it went well then" I beamed as he reached me.

"Yep, she's coming to the party with me on Saturday" He smiled. "Speaking of which, are you coming because if you aren't I'm going to drag you to it anyway." He said playfully. A party actually sounded exactly what I needed right now, it would distract me and I desperately needed a distraction.

"Ok fine I'll come. Anyway, stop trying to change the subject, I told you she would say yes." I was genuinely happy for him. Mattheo was one of my closest friends now especially since Draco is out of my life and it made me happy if he was happy.

"Okay, so you were right." He admitted reluctantly. "Now we have to find someone for you." He spoke.

I shook my head denying. "No way, been there, done that."

"Lara, I understand Malfoy broke your heart but one day you're going to have to get over him soooo maybe the way to do that is to date someone else." He therapised me.

I shook my head. "Maybe, but not right now."

"Fine, come on let's go to dinner" He sighed letting the subject go which I was grateful for.


The week came and went and before I knew it, it was Saturday evening. Which meant the party was in an hour. I was sick of lounging around in my room moping about Draco. I wanted to dress up and make him regret ever kissing Astoria.

I took a shower, cleansed my entire body, and made sure I smelled good. I did my makeup more fancy than I usually would. I put my dress on and then looked in the mirror to admire it. It was a green slip dress that fit me like a glove, it was slender and snug. I was just about ready to go when I heard a knock on my door. "It's open," I shouted, putting my silver earrings in.

I turned to see Mattheo walk through the door. His eyes widened as he took in my presence. "Woah, Lara you're making me regret who I asked to this party" He chuckled.

"Ha ha very funny. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be picking up Daphne." I said finally turning to him. He was in a white t-shirt and black smart trousers and a silver chain hanging on his neck. He looked casual but also hot at the same time.

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