Chapter 30

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TW: Little bit of SH

It was nearly the Christmas holidays and me and Draco had gotten nowhere with the cabinet. It was stressing Draco out immensely which in turn stressed me out.

"What are you doing this Saturday?" Draco asks me out of the blue.

"Um I haven't really thought about it, maybe Hogsmeade." I responded confused in the sudden interest.

"No, you shouldn't go to Hogsmeade." He blurts out. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I just mean I think you should have a lie in because you know you've been working so incredibly hard on fixing this cabinet with me." He walks over to me and places his hand on my arms pulling me close while staring into my eyes. "You deserve a break, spend the day by the black lake relaxing or go to the library and read." He convinces me.

I'm still confused why he cares so much about my whereabouts on Saturday but I can't concentrate on anything when he's looking at me like that, full of lust. "Okay, I'll spend the day at the black lake." I gave in.

"Thank you." He sighs in relief and pecks my lips.

"Why don't you come with me, I think we both need a break." I say truthfully. This whole death eater cabinet thing has taken a toll on both of us, and it clearly shows. Draco has become significantly paler (which was hard in the first place) and his under eye bags have progressively become larger as the days go by. I probably look just as bad considering we often skip meals and work into early hours of the morning. But somehow he is still as handsome as ever.

"I can't on Saturday....I have to take care of something." He quickly states while prying himself off me.

"What is it? Can I help?"

"No, it's nothing, I just have to go to Hogsmeade and get a book that could help us." He retorted. I thought it was a bit odd that he was so reluctant to let me come but I trusted him so I just assumed that he needed to do this bit on his own. I mean it's understandable, we had been spending every second with each other basically for the last few months.

The only person I really hang out with other than Draco at the moment is Mattheo. As much as I love Draco, spending time away from the cabinet with Mattheo brings me back to shore. I also don't want Mattheo getting suspicious of my whereabouts.


When Saturday came I took Draco's advice and had a relaxing day. First I had a sleep in which was very much needed as I was quite sleep deprived. After that I grabbed a book that I was reading, but never got around to finishing it and took it down to the black lake. I read for a couple of hours before the sun started to set and the cold was starting to seep through my coat.

When I got back to the castle people were acting strangely. They were all scattered around whispering to each other. Even the professors were acting strangely. They were all rushing around for some reason. Did I miss something?

I ignored everyone and went straight to dinner. "Hey." I plopped down next to Draco who didn't even acknowledge me. He seemed to be in his own world. "Hey Draco." I said louder, still nothing. "Draco!" I nearly shouted and nudged his arm.

"Mhm." He mumbled still not looking over to me. What was wrong with him? I sighed and gave up realising he probably was just in one of his moods. I didn't push him and went back to my food.

"Who do you think cursed her?" Said Daphne to Blaise beside me. My ears pricked up. Someone got cursed, maybe that's why everyone was acting so strange.

"Someone got cursed?" I butted in alarmingly.

"You didn't hear?" Daphne laughed.

"No, what happened." I asked.

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