Chapter 20

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It was the morning after the party, the morning after me and Draco got back together. I woke up in anticipation. I sat up in my bed and lifted the hand I punched Astoria with to examine it. 

It was completely normal. There were no bruises, no cuts. I couldn't even feel any pain. I've never punched anyone before yesterday but I know that bruised knuckles would take longer to heal. That means Draco was telling the truth. I do have some weird healing power that only occurs at night. I didn't know what this meant, maybe I should go talk to my father.

I contemplated this option but I decided against it in the end. I didn't know what this power meant but I had a bad feeling. I didn't want to worry my father, not when everything was going so well with us.

I will just sort it out another time.


A month had passed and me and Draco were all okay again, even better than okay. He didn't really care anymore about hiding our relationship as everyone kind of figured it out by the show put on in the Veritaserum circle. However we still like to keep things private, for me mainly it's because I don't want my father to find out but Draco is just a private person which I respect. PDA is gross anyway.

Since that party, Mattheo now claims that I am a much nicer person, probably because I am no longer heartbroken. Astoria was still a problem however, she hasn't learnt her lesson and constantly flirts with Draco on purpose to annoy me. She hates me and I hate her.

I continue to enjoy attending DA meetings every week. I now feel much more connected to everyone there. The only downside, however, is that I constantly have to lie about it to Draco, which I didn't like doing.

One Thursday me and Draco were sitting in the library studying for our OWLS when I realised the time. I was supposed to be in a DA meeting right now. "Shit" I exclaimed quietly but Draco still heard.

Draco looked away from his book. "What is it?" He questioned.

"Oh er nothing I just have to go...... speak to Snape" I said the first thing that came in my head. He glanced at me suspiciously.

" where are you actually going?" He said sternly whilst shutting his book.

"I just said I'm going to see Snape, I have to ask him a question about the happiness potion." I said more confidently, concreting my lie.

He raised his eyebrows, clearly not believing me. "Lara, we brewed the happiness potion weeks ago."

"Yeah, and I only just remembered the question I had to ask him." I returned, getting up now.

"Why are you lying?" He said defensively but quietly as we were in the library.

"I'm not lying, I just really need to ask him a question before I forget." He glared at me. I sighed then squatted to his sitting level. "Look I'll be back soon, I just really need to speak to him. Please trust me."

He glared at me before saying. "Fine, but meet me later" I beamed at his response. I pecked his lips before leaving.

"Will do!" It actually hurt lying to him but it had to be done. I went to the DA meeting. We were there for a few hours trying to cast our patronises. Mine came out 3rd try, which I was pretty proud of. My patronus was a Robin, it flew around me a couple of times before it fell to the ground disappearing.

My smile quickly diminished when I suddenly felt the room tremble. The room went quiet. It shook once more, but this time more violently, it shook. The wall's glass collapsed and smashed all over the place. The entrance wall started to develop a little fracture. A Gryffindor boy went up to inspect it but the crack turned into hole. Through that hole you could see Umbridge.

"I'll make short work of this, Bombarda maxima." she said in her annoying whiny voice.

Harry pulled back the Gryffindor boy and the wall exploded in front of us. Through the smoke an outline of people started to form. One by one the members of the inquisitorial squad appeared.

Oh fuck

Draco was the first person who caught my eye. He was holding Cho by her robes, smirking proudly. But then unfortunately his eyes found me like they always do.

His proud smirk dropped into disappointment. He looked away quickly. I tried to catch his eye again but he wouldn't look at me.

The whole DA was gathered in the hall to receive our punishment from Umbridge. "I'm very disappointed in you all, I thought we could all get along quite nicely but apparently that is not the case." The inquisitorial squad were standing at the front, still my eyes searched for his, but he would not look at me. "I'll have to call the minister at once. And for all of you children as much as it pains me you will all have two weeks worth of detention every day in here writing lines with my....special quills" Oh shut up pink panther. I was really getting fed up with her. "You all may go, except Potter. You must come with me."

We all filled out of the hall, I tried to spot Draco's hair through the sea of people. Finally I spotted the platinum blur stalking away. I sped walked to catch up with him but I only managed to catch up to him by the Slytherin common room entrance. "DRACO, WAIT!" I shouted. He didn't stop. "Draco please, just let me explain." I said desperately.

At this Draco spun around faster than lightning striding up to me with force. I cowered quickly. "Did you have a nice chat with Snape, did you ask him the question you so desperately needed to ask him." He shouted.

"Draco," I said more calmly. "I didn't want to lie to you-"

"No, don't give me that shit, how long have you been lying to me, how many excuses have you given me that I've just eaten up." Still walking backwards my back hit the wall.

I looked away not knowing what to say. "Oh now you're quiet, no come on tell me how are you gonna get out of this one. What amazing excuse are you gonna give me, you must have loads that you've prepared." He rambled angrily. He was really close now.

I could feel his familiar minty breath that I craved constantly. "I had to, you were in the inquisitorial squad, if I had told you, you could have gone and told Umbridge then the whole DA goes down because of me."

"'Could' is the key word there. You don't know that I would've gone to Umbridge" He argued.

"Well, I didn't want to put you in that position of choosing."

"That's not your choice to make." He said more loudly, clearly annoyed.

"Well it's the choice I made. I thought it would be better this way." I tried to reason with him but I've never seen him this angry before.

"Well you were wrong." He spat. Silence hung between us.

"I'm sorry Draco, they trusted me..."

"So did I" He said simply before turning away and entering the common room.

Tears pooled my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. I didn't deserve to cry. I didn't deserve anything, the one thing I had to hold on to I lost. It wasn't his fault, it was mine. I just got him back and he's gone again.


A: Oops, Draco isn't very happy. This may seemed rushed but I have so many plans for sixth year I just wanna get here :)))

If you wondered ---> Robin Patronus - A fond favourite of the British public, the robin is an iconic feature of the landscape. These birds are full of song and will sing all year long. Muggles have often been deceived by their cheerful song and their trademark red breast and written them off as a pretty bird. In fact, these warriors will put up one heck of a fight to protect their territory! Lucky for you, once you have cast a robin as your Patronus, the bird will fight for you like it does its nest.

Anyways, on to the next chapter...

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