Chapter 12

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A week had gone by from me falling off my broom. I've seen Draco a couple of times but every time I see him he walks the other direction. I've tried to get him out of my mind but I just want to know why he visited me but now he is ignoring me. Me and Hermione have been hanging out lately and we are becoming great friends, which is great considering I haven't been that fortunate on the friends side of Hogwarts. 

Next week however it is the Christmas holidays so I will get to go home and see my aunt and unfortunately my uncle. I think the only plus is I won't have to think about Draco or anything else for that matter.

I trudged through the snow to get to the owlery as every Saturday I get an owl from my aunt and uncle. Just as I got there our family owl Percy flew in with the letter at his beak. I fed him some seeds and he flew off.

Dear Lara,

I hope you've had a more fortunate week than last and I'm glad to hear you're okay. However I have some bad news that I know you won't be happy to hear. Unfortunately, due to me and your uncle's work in the ministry, something unexpected has occurred that we have to be there for so you will need to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays. Merry Christmas.


No emotion flowed through me as I read the letter. I wasn't happy nor sad. I don't mind being with my aunt but I will take any opportunity to be away from my uncle. I'm sure my Uncle took the opportunity to work at the Ministry as an excuse for me not to come home.

The only bad thing is that I will have to spend Christmas holiday alone as the few friends I have made are all going home. I guess I'm going to have to play a lot of one sided Wizard's chess.

As it was nearly midday I decided to go to Hogsmeade as I needed a distraction. I walked down there in the freezing cold. My face was burning with the snowflakes smacking against my rosey cheeks.

I decided to go into the three broomsticks to get a butterbeer. As I got my drink I noticed Draco sitting in a booth by himself. I wonder if he's waiting for anyone, should I go over.

As I start to make my way over I hear my name called, I spin around to see Hermoine, Ron and Harry all sitting together. Hermoine was waving me down to come sit with them. I was compelled to go sit with Draco but Hermoine has been nothing but nice and I wanted to get to know Harry and Ron better so I decided to go sit with them.

"Lara, come sit" She shouts from across the room. Slightly embarrassed by the loud shout so I swiftly made my way over.

"Hi guys, how have you been?" I asked.

A general "Good" was heard from all of them.

"Are you feeling better from your fall?" Ron asked.

"Yes, thank you, much better" I laughed.

"Well Harry's had his fair share of those." He nudged Harry who jokingly rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smirk.

"Oh yeah, when." I said eagerly wanting to know more.

"Third year he fell 100ft just like you, after a dementor attack" Ron said excitedly

"Wow, that sounds terrible. But I now know what that feels like."

"Yeah that's true, it was hilarious though." He joked. "Ow" Ron whined. Hermoine had slapped him on the back of the head.

"Ronald! Harry and Lara were both nearly killed, don't make jokes like that." She said, shaking her head.

I just stopped and observed watching this scene take place grinning ear to ear. They were a funny trio but they seemed to click perfectly together. It made me happy but also sad that I didn't have anyone like that. I threw the thought out of my mind not wanting to ruin the moment.

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