Chapter 3

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I walked in through the great hall's doors with the first years following just behind. I was feeling a little awkward as all eyes were fixated on me as I was obviously older than the first years. I tried not to show my nerves which were creeping up on me and held my head up high. I looked around the hall and it was filled with students each with one of four coloured robes on. Curious whispers came from every direction. Above me were candles floating above our heads with a roof that looked just like the sky. I looked around in awe. Ahead of me was a table full of teachers all of different sizes. One especially small person was sitting next to a humongous man with a ragged beard and scorch marks all over his jacket which looked like he had been fighting dragons or something. Just in front of the teachers was a stool with a tatty old hat sat on it.

A lady who I told us her name was Professor Mcgonagall stood just aside from the hat. "Hart, Larissa" she called.

My heart started to pound as my eyes widened. If I wasn't concentrating so much on not falling over my own feet in front of the whole school I would have noticed a thin man with black shoulder length hair stand up in shock but quickly sat back down pretending like nothing happened.

I collected all my confidence and walked up to the tatty old hat. I sat down on the stool. As the hat touched my head it came alive.

"Hmmm what do we have here?" It spoke. "Smart mind with great potential and there's definitely some courage in there. Very ambitious and you definitely have a feisty side. You are a tricky one but I think it'll have to be SLYTHERIN!"

Slytherin, how could I be in Slytherin. I hesitated as I wandered over to the applauding Slytherin table. I slipped into a free seat not concentrating on my surroundings. What would my aunt and uncle think when I owl them that I have been sorted into Slytherin? I was snapped out of my daze when a dark haired girl that I had sat across from held out her hand. I shook it with slight confusion.

"I'm Astoria Greengrass," she said with pride "This is Pansy Parkinson, Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott and the moody one is Draco Malfoy." She giggled as she pointed to the relevant people.

"Hello, I'm Lara," I said shyly. All of a sudden bunches of food appeared in front of us. I gawked as everyone dived in, eating everything in sight.

"So where are you from pretty eyes?" A boy who I just learned was Theodore Nott asked me.

I smiled sheepishly at his comment "I transferred here from Beauxbatons." I answered.

"Ah I've always had a thing for the French, maybe you can teach me some one day." He smirked at me, licking his lips.

Daphne slapped him on the arm "Stop flirting with her already, you don't want to scare her off." She turned back to me. "Sorry about him, he thinks he can get with any girl that breathes." She says, rolling her eyes at him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I chuckled.

As I put a chicken thigh on my plate I felt eyes on me. I looked around as once again my eyes met his. His piercing grey eyes stared into mine as a smirk grew from his face as he looked away. The rest of the feast went slowly, I didn't talk to many people as I was still fumbling over the fact that I was sorted into Slytherin. A caught a few people staring at me throughout the feast but I just assumed it was because I was fresh meat.

As the feast ended people started to get up and leave so I followed suit. "The common room is this way, where you should find your dorm. Do you know who you'll be sharing it with?" Daphne asked.

"Oh my Aunt got me my own dorm." I shyly stated.

"Well that's just perfect. There'll be no one to interrupt us baby girl." Theo winked at me. I internally cringed.

I rolled my eyes, but a small smile played on my lips. "Ugh, Theo you're disgusting." Daphne retorted.

We walked down what felt like a billion stairs before we reached the dungeon, apparently the Slytherin common room is under the Black lake. "Daphne." I said in a question tone as we reached the common room door.

"Yes." She said whilst trying to get something out of her teeth.

"Who is Severus Snape?" I should have asked at the feast but my mind was elsewhere.

She glanced at me for a second before answering. "Umm he teaches potions but everyone knows it's the dark arts he fancies. He's scary tho always wears the same black clock making him look like a bat, why do you ask"

"Oh no reason, I just heard about him, that's all." I answered.

"Ok well, your dorm is just up there. Breakfast is from seven till eight thirty and lessons start at nine, good night" she sighed, before sauntering to her own dorm.

Potions I thought, hopefully when I get my timetable tomorrow I will have potions soon. I didn't sleep well that night as the uncertainty of tomorrow loomed in the distance.


A: Writing Theo's comment actually hurt my soul.

Anyways, on to the next chapter...

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