Chapter 43

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No nightmares came again that night although the next morning I couldn't help but let the memory of it float in my mind. The words said poisoned my thoughts.

'You are weak, you will never be good enough'

'If you really loved me you wouldn't have let this happen.'

'You are no daughter of mine'

I shook them out forcefully, letting myself get distracted by the tiniest things like how the stain on the wall is shaped like Africa or how the painting hung over the desk is slanted slightly left.

I've always looked for the tiny blemishes in life, they make imperfections seem less haunting. A knock came from the door pulling me out from my thoughts. "Come in." I called.

The door opened and Narcissa came with a tray filled with food. The smell of freshly made toast and egg filled my nostrils instantaneously. My stomach growled in response. "Just thought I would bring you and Draco some breakfast." She smiled, setting the tray down in front of me.

"That's very kind, Draco is just in the shower." I thanked her.

She sat down at the side of the bed and placed her hand on mine. "Draco told me about what you found out yesterday about your powers. Have you tried since?"

I knew Narcissa was worried about the test, as she should be considering her son's life is on the line but she was too kind to push me in anyway. I finished my mouthful before I responded. "Not since, but tomorrow is my practical day so I will try then, and I have full belief that it is going to work" I said confidently trying to reassure her.

She paused for a second. I could see her thoughts swimming through her mind. "Oh nonsense, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Take a break until after Christmas and besides you have to help me set up for the ball." She grinned excitedly.

My eyes pricked up at the word 'ball'. I've always wanted to go to the ball. "Ball? What ball?"

"Well it's not exactly a ball per say but it is the annual Malfoy Christmas eve party but all the ladies dress in ball gowns and the men in suits. It's perfectly good fun, there will be drinks and dancing." She reminisced.

"Draco didn't tell me anything about a ball." I questioned.

"Oh that's because it wasn't going to happen due to the current situation but at the last minute we decided what the hell and sent out the invitations. There may not be as many people as usual due to late notice but I'm sure it will be fine."

I pondered, thinking about me and Draco swaying to a slow song. Me in an absurdly frilly dress and him in a suit looking as dashing as usual. I smiled at the thought.

"You don't have to be there if it's too much." She stated.

"No, I would love to come and I'm sure so would Draco." I insisted.

"Wonderful." She clapped her hands together.

"Wait, but I don't have a dress to wear." I said gesturing to my few sets of clothes that fit me that I have to rotate every few days.

Her eyes glistened, smiling. "I have just the thing. Come with me." She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room all the way to the other side of the manor. I've been living here for two months and still haven't got to grips on how big this mansion is.

Finally we got to a double door which she opened up. Dust flew around the room making me cough a little. It looks like another guest room but one that hasn't been used in a while.

She left me in the doorway whilst sauntering up to a giant wardrobe. When she opened it a giant smile formed on her face. "It's perfect." She exclaimed. "Isn't it perfect." She pulled out the most gorgeous dress I have ever laid my eyes on.

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