Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

My hands were trembling as they gripped onto the cold railing. It was probably about a 30 foot fall to my death. All I had to do was let go and it would be over, my pain would be gone.

Then I thought to myself for a second. My pain would be gone but no one elses would. I said I would be there for Charity and that one time I wasn't but what if whoever raped her came back. She would have no one. 

I can't do this to her. And what about the boys. I would ruin there dreams. One direction would be over.

And the fans, all their poor hearts would be crushed.

OMG how could I be so selfish I can't leave this world it would cause more problems than there are now.

I have to stick to my promise and be there for the boys, for Charity.

I carefully stepped down from the bridge rail my hands still shaking from the thought of suicied.

I need to go back to the hospital, i'm sure someone must be looking for me.



All I could see was black. Darkness surrounded me at every inch.

Where was I?

How did I get here?

Did I die?

Where is Heaven?

Where is Hell?

What is happening?

A little light appeared in front of me!

What the actual fuck! Is this Heaven cause I saw in a show once where they said if you go to the light you will go to Heaven!

But thing was I did not want to, but I don't mean I want to go to Hell. I just want to live my life on Earth! And be able to see everyones face again. Even Harry, now don't get me wrong i'm not mad at him anymore but he has lost all my trust!

I mean my past was not the lastest gossip you shared at the dinner table, it was apart of me. It may not be something that I love but it was the thing that made me, me!

The light suddenly dissapeared. It was gone. There goes my chances of going to Heaven!

I could start to hear something. It was faint but I could hear it. The was something there.

The noise started to get louder. 


What was that, then I remembered all the events that had happened earlier!

I must be in a hospital! But who found me?

Huh must be some strager I would have to thank them later.

I slowly opened my eyes ajusting to the bright light in my face. Yep this was a hospital. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and some iv.

I sat in a blank room. White walls, white bed, no colours, no joy. But usually when your in a hospital you think there would be some cards or flowers or ballons. Not in my room! I guess whoever found me was a stranger!

Just then I doctor walked in wearing a white coat. 

"Ah miss, I see your awake." He said looking happy.

"Yeah I just woke up but I do have some questions if you don't mind?" I said as I looked up at him.

He was quite young for a doctor, probably mid tweties.

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