Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I kissed him! I kissed Zayn. Our lips were connected as he held me close to his chest. When he sang the song to me my heart just melted and I fell in love. I really thought I was falling for Harry but that went away when he hurt me.

And how could I be so stupid, Zayn was always nicer to be anyways. To Harry our love was all a silly game but to Zayn it was real. I could tell by his kiss. Something had sparked inside both of us. It felt like well I don't really know how to descibe it. It felt like happiness and rainbows.

Now that might have sounded cheesy but there is no other way I could describe the love we felt. This might have been my first kiss feelings talking. Well I have been kissed by Don and his friends but that was forced, this was by my own will.

I had never kissed Harry before so I can't really say that there was any feelings, I guess I would never know.

I pulled away from Zayn's lips and the second I did I wanted to kiss him again but he said something.

"Uh we should probably get back now the boys are most likely worrying about us." Zayn said as he ran his hand through his dark hair.

I did not say anything as we walked back to the front of the building and into the car. The ride back was all awkward silence- no it was suicidal silence! The type of quiet that makes you want to kill yourself. Or maybe that is just me but it was at the most awkward.

Questions ran through my mind.

Why did I kiss him?

Does he even like me?

Do I even like him?

Why are we not talking?

Why is this so awkward?

Does that kiss mean anything to him?

Does that kiss mean we are dating?

Are we gonna tell anyone?

Why did I have to kiss him and mess up everything?

The car pulled to the side of the road where the flat was which broke my train of thought. Before Zayn could say anything I ran into the house and slammed the door. I could see the boys in the kitchen down the hall. I had to get away.

I ran up the stairs and then I stopped. Where could I go? Harry's room-no. Zayn's room-no. The only other person I was kinda close with was Niall. I ran to his room and shut the door behind me. I sure hope he would not mind if I stayed here for a bit.

I was angry now and I needed to cool down or else I would start a fight.

I was weird Niall's room smelled liked you would except it to smell. It smelled like food and Ireland if that was even a smell! Kinda like a comforting home feel.

I layed on his bed starring up at his Irish flag. That boy was sure proud of his nationality.

No tears fell from my eyes, I had none, none for Zayn or Harry. They did not deserve my tears.

Just then I heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Don't come in!" I said in a loud voice.

"This is my room i'm aloud to come in if I want!" Niall said in a sassy tone.

He walked in a a felt the bed dip meaning he sat beside me.

"What wrong me and the boys heard you slam the door and Zayn won't say anything please just tell me what happened, you can trust me." Niall said playing with my hair.

Fight For Me (One Direction FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora