Chapter 4 Part 1

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I  woke up well rested but sadly Harry's arms were not around me. He was not even in the bed. I sat up quickly making me dizzy but then the world came back into focus. I streched my arms high in the air trying to wake up a little. 

It must be really cold outside cause its cold in the house but I was glad that Zayn let me borrow his clothes. Just then I remembered the boys were bringing me shopping! Yay, I was excited! I got up and walked to the door of Harry's room passing a full length mirror, I had to back up to see my hair. Wow it looked beautiful, I haven't seen my long curls look this nice in a long time!

I crept slowly down the stairs trying not to wake any other of the sleeping boys. But to my surprise they were all up and eating breakfest.

"Hello" Niall screamed.

"Hi" I yelled back laughing.

I sat down at the table with the boys and Liam handed me a plateful of waffles, eggs, bacon and some toast.

"Holy Shit I can't eat all this!"

"You have to you look like a pile of bones."

"Thanks for the compliment Liam." But he was right it looks like I haven't  had a good meal in years which I haven't!

After one waffle one piece of toast and a few bites of egg I was stuffed! I was not used to eating this much. My stomach started to toss and turn. I knew what was coming next, I jumped out of my seat and ran up the spiral stairs and down the hall. I reached the bathroom and got on my knees over the toilet. Everything I had just ate just came back up.

"Charity are you okay"Niall said.

I could not answer my stomach hurt to much.

"How bout you guys go clean the kitchen while I get her cleaned up." Harry said.

"Okay" the boys said in unison.

I flushed the toilet and looked over at Harry now walking over to me.

"Charity are you sick?"

"No I think I just ate to much food, I need to pase myself."

"Here I have a spare toothbrush you can use."

"Thanks Harry."

I squrited a blob of toothpaste on the toothbrush and wet it with water. I brushed every single tooth and even my tongue to make sure I got the puke taste out of my mouth. I spit in the sink then rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash.

"Do you feel any better?"

"Yeah my stomach is feeling a lot better!"

"GOOD cause were going shopping and you can borrow some of Eleanor's clothes she left here."

"Who's Eleanor?"

"Oh she is Louis girlfriend and I know she wouldn't mind if you borrowed some just to go to the mall."

"Ok let me go get them."

Harry left the room. Wow Louis has a girlfriend I thought he was gay.

Harry came back and handed me black leggings and I love sleeve shirt with a gold cross down the middle.

I thanked him and then shut the door to get changed. Surprisenly everything fit! This Eleanor must be really skinny. I walked out to see Harry's eyes inspecting me.

"Charity you look really cute." Harry said.

I blushed and then thanked him. We walked outside to the car. I could here laughing and screaming which ment the boys were already in their seats.

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