Chapter 4 Part 2

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Chapter 4 part 2

The boys and I took an elevator up to the second floor. The doors slid open and I could finally breath again! I hated the feeling of being off the ground.

MMM a bunch of scents filled my nostrils. The food court must be on this floor.

"I'm going to the food court with Louis and you three can go with Charity to find new clothes." Niall said as he sped walked over to the food court.

"Well lets go into Topshop it's right around the corner." Zayn screeched.

We walked past a couple of clothing stores and an ice cream shop, when we turned the coner we were greeted by a massive store filled with tons of clothing. I stepped into the store and some lady came up to me and said "Hi i'm Jessica do you need any help finding anything today?"

"No thanks i'm just looking." I said.

I weaved in and out through the sections of clothes, I had no idea what would look good on me. At the corner of my eye I could see Liam, Zayn and Harry grabbing every piece of clothing they could carry. They rushed me to the change room where I was buried alive in a mountain of clothes!

"Try all of these on and give us a fashion show and we will tell you what we think." One of the boys yelled.

The first thing I got into was a short black dress with sequins on the front and the back was cut out. I had a feeling this was Zayn's choice. I walked out and did a little strut for them.

"Wow Charity you look beautiful" Harry said as his eyes inspected my body.

I turned to look in the mirror and when I did I was not happy with what I could see. Burns, cuts, bruises is what I saw, how could Harry think I was beautiful. I was UGLY  and everyone knew it!

All I could say was " I think i'm going to wear something that covers up a bit more."

The boys all frowned. 


After about 2 hours 7 bags full of clothes later we met up with the other two in another store. They had both bought some stuff to.

We all were walking past stores when I noticed some people were talking photos of us! Why would they, were not famous, were nobodys. Maybe it was cause they saw all my scars, what if they thought I was some abused whore who used pity to make boys buy me stuff! 

But what the fuck do they know they need to stay out of my buisness cause they don't know shit! I guess one of the boys must have noticed the flashing cameras too cause I was quickly pulled into a really dark area. Where were we. I looked over at the sign beside me and it read.......   


I bet it's fake I never understood how people could tell your future! Like what if I died tomorrow how could they know? I was still very curious though, and well i'm here now I may as well give it a go.

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