chapter 1

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Fight For MeChapter 1

SLAP "Bitch did you eat the last peice of bread?" Don screamed as I was now rubbing my burnning cheeck.

"Yes but I have not eaten in two days and I I was so h hungry" I stuttered

"Does it look like I give a fuck. I don't care how hungry you are, you eat when I say you eat. Now I have to punnish you"

He pushed me on my bed that was dirty and springs were popping out. Don started to rub my arm as he took off his shoes. I moved away from him but he grabbed my anckle and dragged me back.

"Ow, please don't I promise I won't do it again I will listen to you I promise please!" I pleaded to him for another chance but I knew he would not listen. I started kicking and squirming trying to get out of his hold.

"Wow your being a real fussy bitch today, I guess i'm going to have to knock you out than." Don laughed as he got up and poured something on a dirty rag. Sadly I knew what was coming next so I took a big breath of air and held it as Don walked over with a devilish grin on his face. He held the rag up to my face and said

 "Honey we know you can't hold you breath forever"

He was right I should get this over with. I let out the air I was holding and and took a gasp of air trying to catch my breath but soon everything became blury and then BLACK. I was out, I just wish I would not wake up!

I woke up with pain everywhere in my body I limped over to the broken mirror in the bathroom. What I saw was new bruises and cuts. The cuts were not that deep but I was likely going to have more scars.

I heard Don talking on the phone to his friend and I knew he was drunk because I could smell the alcohol from upstairs. I HATED alcohol and anyone who drank it! Ever since a drunk driver killed my mom in a head on collision when I was 6.

I was forced to live with my dad even though he ran out on my mom when he found out she was pregnant.

It has been 10 years since she died and I was turning 17 in 2 months. But the only thing I could think about is in a year and two months I would be 18 and I could legally leave this hell hole!

Ever since I moved here in London England 10 years ago I have been abused by my dad Don and his friends. They would all take turns rapping me or beating me up! I got shivers in my spine just thinking about it.

I missed my mom so much I just really hate the drunk driver that killed her cause he is the one who missed up my whole life.

I relized I was still starring in the mirror with my eyes now filled with tears from the thoughts of my mom. And than anger flushed my face. 

How could I go another year and two months living here! I needed to leave, but where would I go I have no other family. NO it does not even matter any place is better than this!

It's been dicided I was going to run away, there was no turning back now!

I spent the rest of the day just resting my muscles and open cuts because I knew I would have a long journey to exscape my dad and his friends. If they ever found out I ran away they would hunt me down and kill me with their bare hands!

Don would soon be passed out from all the alcohol he drank and that is when I plan to leave.

I started to pack everything I needed or everything I have which is not much. I owned 2 shirts and 1 pair of shorts. No bra or panties! Don would never buy me anything he only spent money on beer!

Once I heard the soft snores from Don's mouth I crept quietly down the stairs and ran toward the old brown door. But wait if i'm living on the streets I would need food.

I tip toed over to the kitchen grabbing only two boxes of crackers that were out on the counter. I stuffed them in a plastic bag along with my clothes which was only 1 shirt since I was wearing the other shirt and my pink shorts.

Slowly opened the door and stepped out into the cold crisp october air. It was so refreshing to be outside, the last time I was outside was 4 years ago when Don made me give weed to a man and collect the money. 

Yeah thats right my dad my his money by selling drugs. What a father! All day he would lock me in my room but after the years of being in there, I learned how to get out. One time I had tried to run away but he caught me and he broke my arm which hurt like a bitch!

Now where to go. Thinking to myself. I did not know any streets so I was just fast walking aimlessly down the roads of London.

In this neighbourhood there was a lot of run down buildings. I got tired really quick being that i have only had 1 piece of bread in three days. 

I tried to find somewhere to sleep for the night but there was a lot of homeless people around so I decided to keep walkking till I found a nicer neighbourhood.

20 minutes later and 4 streets over there was a quiet street with fancy flats. I could not find any benches to sleep one but I did find bush. I layed down on the ground which was surprisingly more comfortable than my bed!

I munched on a few crackers before I decided to go to bed using my bag as a pillow. But how could I fall asleep, it was freezing not that being in pink shorts and a white top helped. 

Soon my shivers calmed down and my eyes grew heavy as I drifted off into a deep sleep!

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