Chapter 3

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As the boys were making me a surprise dinner I decided to catch up on some sleep. I climbed into Harry's warm and cozy bed, got myself all tucked in and drifted away into dream land.


I was making home made pizza to surprise Charity. MMM it smelt so good, I wanted to eat it before it was even cooked!

"NIALL stop eating the pepperoni and but it on the pizza" I screamed.

"Awww but i'm so hungry I don't think I can wait." Niall said.

"Niall your always hungry" Zayn butted in.

"I'm a growing boy, I need to eat" Niall stated.

"Hey Liam" I screamed.

"Yes Harry" Liam screamed back mimicking me.

"Did you buy the lemonade?"

"Yes Harry its in the fridge"

"Ok thanks mate" I yelled once more.

Then after I just heard Liam laughing. I placed the pizza in the oven and set the timer for 45 minutes. Now what, I asked myself.

"TV TIME" I sang to the boys which were now running towards the black leather couch. We all loved to watch gossip shows to see what rumors people are making about one direction. After about have an hour the show had ended but we all were still laughing about the rumor that I was Dating Taylor Swift!

It was so funny cause I would never in a million years date her all she does is use boys to make some sappy break up song that she will make millions of dollars off of!

"You know when I introduced us as one direction to Charity" Louis said "well I don't think she knew who we were which is really odd."

Now I had to tell the boys what had happened to Charity, I knew they were dying to know!

"Well that's cause she doesn't" I started to say "Charity has had a super hard life..." as I continued her life story all I could see was the speechless faces on the boys and even a few tears from Niall. When I was finished there was complete slience until Louis opened his mouth.

"Oh wow so Charity did not know who we were casue she has been locked up in a room for 10 years without tv, internet and music."

"Yeah but lets not tell her today because she might be overwhelmed with everything." I said.

They nodded their heads agreeing. DING the timer went off and we all knew what that ment, it was pizza time! I walked up the long sprial staircase to go tell Charity it was dinner. I gently knoced on my bedroom door where I had left her, but there was no answer. I walked on to see her sleeping in my bed!

"Charity" I whispered.

I heard mummbles from her mouth. "Charity" I said a bit louder.

She suddenly awoke with a frightened look apon her face.

"Don't worry love its just me Harry" I said.

She sat up rubbing her eyes. "Mmm what smells so good?" She asked.

"Haha it's the pizza I made, would you like to come down to eat some?" I replied.

"Yeah ok but my legs still hurt do you mind if you carry me?" She begged.

"No not at all!" I stated. I grabbed under her knees and below her neck and carried her down the stairs into our kitchen where I placed her in the chair beside me. The boys were already stuffing their faces with pizza. I looked over at Charity, she grabbed a pretty small piece and ate it very slowly. I could tell she was not used to eating much.

Fight For Me (One Direction FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz