chapter 2

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Fight For MeChapter 2

"Look guys she is moving, maybe she is waking up."

"Liam go get her a glass of water."

"I wonder who she is?"

"She is all cut up and bruised!"

"HARRY don't touch her!"

"What I just wanted to move her hair to see her face."

I could hear voices which woke me up, but who? My eyes started to flutter as they began to open up. 5 strange me were standing aroud me. I quicky moved into the corner of the wall grabbing my knees with my arms. I could feel tears in my eyes because I knew what was coming next. I was about to be gang raped!

"No honey don't cry were not going to hurt you" The curly haired boy said.

Then I relized I was in a flat. How did I get here? They must of moved me. But why? I questioned myself.

"Would you like some water?" one said.

But I did not want to look up I was so scared!

"Well if your not going to talk I will explain what happened" The curly haired boy spoke again.

"Me and the boys were coming back from a party and we noticed that there were feet sticking out of our bushes, so we took a look at you and you were shivering like a chihuahua! So we carried you inside."

I looked up still with tears running down my face. They all seamed to be studying my face and my body.

"Please stop crying it makes us sad when we see a pretty girl like you cry." The boy said as he handed me water.

I drake the water really fast cause I have not had clean water in years!

"Let me introduce our selves as you may already know we're One Direction" The boy in stripes said.

I looked at him in confussion cause I had no idea what One Direction was!

"OK well im Louis, the boy in the stripes said and this is Harry pointing to the one with the curly hair, and that is Zayn the tan and darked haired boy sitting beside Harry, the blonde one is Niall and last but not least Liam." He said pointing to the one that gave me water.

"Whats your name darling?" Niall said.

I could tell he was from ireland. 

"Umm Charity" I said very quietly.

Somehow Zayn heard cause he said it was a beautiful name!


Charity look so frightened I just wanted to run over to her and pick her up in my arms and sing to her until she fell asleep. I wonder what could of happened to her she had bruises and cuts all over her body. She was covered in dirt and she looked like she was 80 pounds!

"Hey boys" I said "Can I talk to you over here?"

The four boys followed me to the staircase as they all had puzzeled looks on their faces wondering what I was going to say.

"I think I should talk to her alone and you guys can go get groceries for dinne."

"OK" they all said in unison, obviously they wanted to stay just as much as I did.

The boys all left in a hurry wanting to get back to see Charity. I walked over to Charity to see her sitting in the same posistion with her arms wrapped around her knees. I sat across from her on the floor hoping she would be less frightened because the boys were gone.

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