Explanation (REWRITTEN)

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Edit: Yo, the chapters after this are getting very heavily edited so you might want to read them. 

I've been sitting on quite a few different Ideas and I think I know a good timeline for the month before the Chunin exams through just after the Konoha Crush. 

Anyways, I hope this makes way more sense the the original explanation 01/21

yo, I'm going to be working on this story more then my other one for now. but I will get back to my other fanfic. started 11/16


After that was said, a heavy silence that weighted  against the arena. Until the hokage spoke up again "Well then vile creature, where is Naruto?" the leaf village leader inquired with a hit of a threat that only the few junin noticed and of course It also noticed

grinning insanely, he spoke up "My king? " 

giggling a bit the unnamed  answered with a malicious look "Well 'lord' hokage my king is taking a nap a this very moment. He should be up in a little bit which is funny, after a giant hole got punched in your chest that tends to kill you, or at least knock you unconscious. Anyways, I'll answer a few more questions before my king takes over again and we bounce.

"Okay, are we going to take this somewhere else? or we going to move somewhere more to ourselves?" 

"I say here.

"Alright my next question is, what are you?"

"Hmmmm, do I answer that question? Well what could it hurt, I am the spirit that dwells inside the blade I hold."

Hiruzen then quirked a brow while stating ". Like one of those Zanpakto users of the past? If not then my next question is How did Naruto come into possession of you?"

"Yes I am like a Zanpakto of the past, but unlike other ones I was created, I was made through science and was judged a failure as a experiment, After which I injected into my King's Soul at a very young age. When that happened I became part of his soul."


"When did this happen?" Hiruzen asked a bit hushed, as if to hide his coming anger.

After eyeing every singe person in the room before locking eyes with Sarutobi he then said ".... I don't feel like saying, but I guess I can say since you were not there. It happened about 1 minute after birth" If the room was silent before it was as if no one was there to begin with. 

Sarutobi now held a look of dark anger in his eye before speaking in a neutral tone "There are 2 different ways I can take this, Naruto's own parent's who I knew very closely, or that there was a 3rd party."

Clapping, The unnamed figure then said "You are correct, one of the 2 theories was correct. You got one last question before I let Kingy take control and take us out of here.

Sarutobi mauled over what to ask to the boy, before it hit him"My last question is what happened to Naruto 'Tenant'?"

giggling the yellow eyed freak spoke up "Well that simple. It's gone. Reduced to atoms. It will never harm anyone ever again, fore I took its power away!" When he was finished he held a twisted  grin while eyeing every sensei from Konoha and the Hokage. 

Sarutobi looked a little sick, Asuma's cigeratte wasn't in his mouth as it was wide open, Kureni looked as if she just swallowed a lemon, Guy looked as if he no longer held and 'youth' inside of him, but the funniest was by far was Naruto's own sensei: He held a look in his eye as if he had lost all of his Icha Icha, along with that he seemed to be backing away from the boy with the mask, while having a look of true fear on his masked face. Altogether it was a great sight as Naruto keeled over on his back while laughing hysterically.  

After he was done he spoke up "Alright then, don't try to find me or my king. If he wishes to speak with anyone then we will go to you. NOT the other way around." With that said the possessed boy grabbed the strange mask and started to pull on it, once removed his eyes went from there scary yellow iris and black sclera to white and blue iris. although the sword stayed strapped to the boys back 

"Well I see y'all during the finals, I'm going to train for the 3 days. I have a lot to think about and even more to train. I'll be looking forward to the fights ahead of me." Naruto said in a tired voice as he walked out of the arena. 

Once there was no sight of the blonde the Hokage continued with the various other matches then telling everyone to leave Training ground 44. As the Hokage sat in the chair in the middle of the large room he seemed to ask himself "What do you think of this?" 

"I don't know what to think. First you hide that he is alive from me then I found out he's experienced this level of disrespect and wasn't even able to fight back because of just how kind he is. I will speak to him to hopefully keep him in Konoha but If I hear something else I don't like I swear that I will be leaving with him to a different hidden village." a voice that came from the dark corners of the room 

He continued "Sarutobi- Sensei, It would seem as if the consequences have come to bite you in the, You should never do this to anyone.  But you did do this, to my Godson no less. Tred carefully from now on sensei" after that was said the voice disappeared along with the chakra signature with it.  

Chapter End

wyt of the new back story? I figured it would make more sense like this, I didn't really mean to shorten the chapter I just didn't know what else to put in. 

I've got a lot of new idea's that I can't wait to write. 

Any of yall read Solo Leveling? if you are have you read the new chapters? 


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