The Walk Home pt.1

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I got all these Ideas but i'm to lazy to even open up my laptop to write.



Fire Country trail

It had been a total of 5 minutes since Naruto and his previous enemy Bambietta had left the village. They had been walking in an awkward silence, both had been glancing at one another, looking for something to talk about with one another.

It had been this way for another minute before Naruto decided to speak up "Sooo, is there any information that I should know about you or Uzushio?"

"That I will tell you when we get closer to Uzu, we are still to close to Konoha" She stated this in a flat tone that annoyed Naruto to no end.

"I was just trying to start a conversation you know, Also why don't we just speed up then"

"That's simple, if Leaf Shinobi see two people running at fast speeds away from there village they will assume the worst and attack, and I think you could figure out the rest." she said in a semi sarcastic tone which went unknown to Naruto as he was zoned out thinking of many other things that came to mind after she answered that question.

He cleared his mind before asking a couple of the many questions that whirled around in the maelstrom that was his thought process

"How far is Uzu?"

"3 days at this speed"

"Will we ever speed up?"

"Not sure, maybe after we get to the first town"

Naruto could tell her temper was rising due to the constant questions, so he laid off the questions for now, but first he wanted to ask his final question

"I don't want to bother my only traveling companion to much so ill ask this last question then be quiet, What will I start my training with?"

She paused from her annoyance for a moment and thought, she couldn't help but gain a red hue to her cheeks as she had completely forget to think of this. After another moment she spoke up ".. Well that's simple enough, I can start you off with water walking, then after that we can work on other speed technique of your clan while at the same time learning to wield your zanpakuto. What do you think Uzumaki-sama?"

"Ill have to put my faith in you ne? I mean I was never taught some of the most important things to a shinobi's lifestyle, such as how to structure a training schedule, which is the reason I never really end up training outside of school much." As he said this, he looked up to the sun coming out of the tree tops as they went by.

"Also, I've said this before but I just want to make sure you heard me, you can just call me Naruto, I don't like honorifics much, Along with that do you mind lightening up a bit? I don't want you to act like someone your not, just don't be so... whats the word? Ah yes emo!"

As she looked at Naruto he couldn't tell what she was thinking as she held a strange look on her face. Before long, she sighed in either annoyance or acceptance as a smirk appeared on her face as she spoke in a voice that made Naruto shiver in fear.

"Okay, i'll be more of myself. The training i'm going to give you now is going to be many times harder" after looking into her deep black eyes, he knew she was telling the truth

but as quick as she said that her smirk turned into a goofy grin "Well then Naruto, lets get going!" She sped forward as they were just outside of the nearest town.

Naruto, not wanting to be out done, went full speed and managed to catch up to the black haired older girl. as the wind blew past them there eyes met, Naruto couldn't help the pink that dusted his cheeks when he looked at the happy face of the girl run beside him, as her her blew in the wind the pink on his cheeks grew darker. He was about to say something

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