An Island of Ghosts

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after going to sleep, I have a total of 2 and a half hours to write what id say is around a 3 chapter arc. If I finish I finish ig. 



Naruto could be seen walking a slow pace with Bambi trailing not to far behind. The last 4 weeks had been the worst of his life that was for sure. Bambi made sure to beat everything she could into his skull. Let it be stances, strategy or negotiations. Nothing got past her when it came to training, but along with training Naruto, she was also training herself. It was for certain that she had grown weaker through out the years, many of her previous heights were dulled over the long period of time she hadn't gone all out. 

Both had grow tremendously during this time and now they might be ready to take on Uzushio. Naruto gulped when he saw the vast ocean first hand. When his clones dispelled he saw the ocean sure, but now he was seeing it for the first time and it was beautiful. Maybe it was because it was so sunny out, but it didn't matter. 

When they had arrived to the waters edge, Naruto stepped forward onto the water and continued walking, Bambi quickly followed suit, trying to stay at a close distance to Naruto. As Naruto picked up speed, so did Bambi. Soon after, both were running and still getting faster. With waves getting bigger, the farther they went out from shore, it was a greater test of strength it was for the blonde. 

He felt... free. Thw way the wind blew in his hair, the endless flats of water. He could go where ever he wanted. He smiled in joy for the first time in a long time. Now there was just one thing left to do. 

Still with his joyous grin, his eyes darted across the vast ocean, util they landed on an Island far off in the distant.

'is that the place Sen?'

'yes Uzumaki-sama. That is home'

After that was said, He pushed himself to his limits. He burst forward at an unexpected  pace, which was much faster then he was previously going. Bambi wasnt expecting the large boost in speed, so was left in the dust.... or would it be water? never mind, It took her a moment to get ready for a launch, but when she launched her speed was much faster then the blondes. When she passed him up, Naruto just watched in awe. He quickly snapped out of it and started preparing to go full speed. 

When Naruto hit the water now, it started to splash up slightly. He continued at this speed for little bit before catching up with Bambi 



"WHAT" Naruto couldn't hear what she said, he would just ask her when they got there. 

It didn't take long for them to get to the island as it was that far off of coast. well at least for the speeds they were going. Before they were able to enter, a large barrier encompassed what seemed to be the entire island.  After that appeared, what looked like Whirlpools appeared all along the outside of the barrier. Bambi was prepared though, she cut her hand and held it out. When a drop of blood fell from her hand into the water. the water cleared, and the barrier broke slightly, allowing the new residents to enter. 

Naruto stared bugged at Bambi. There was no way she knew how to open the barrier? How did she know to do that?  Who taught her? Naruto's eyes narrowed. He would need to get answers later. 

They both entered the barrier. Naruto looked back to see the barrier had disappeared. He shrugged and continued to walk until he got to the white sand of Uzushiogakure. He looked hesitant for a second, before stepping foot onto the sand. It felt right to be here. 

Naruto grinned even wider and put his other foot on the sand. 

"Well Naruto, welcome to Uzushiogakure!" Bambi said as she started to drag him to some path. 

When they got there Naruto could feel the uneasiness in the air. Something wasn't right. When he and Bambi go to the end of the trail, the saw a large gate. 

It was a giant white gate with a red swirl directly in the middle, but it looked destroyed. Greenery had taken over the entire gate and the rest of the walls. Naruto heart sank slightly. He grabbed his blade and swung a getsuga tensho at the gate. When he saw a passageway through, he hopped through. The sight he saw made his heart jump to his throat. 

There was scorch marks everywhere, many stray earth jutsu that there left. Buildings were destroyed, bodys littered the ground. He stood frozen looking at one skeleton. It was a kid that couldn't be any older then himself. their Headband was around his right arm. The more he looked the worse it got. He didn't notice when tears started to fall and streamed down with no regard with anything or anyone. Naruto dropped his sword. He was no staring at what must've been a 4 year old in the arms of probably there mothers arms. The clattering of the blade didn't take him out of his trance. 

He looked down to grab his blade. but that's when he noticed he was stepping on a headband. moving his foot, what he saw made his sadness give way to anger. He saw a Konoha headband. 

His eyes were now green and still crying. Before anything could happen, Naruto got a hold of himself. He grabbed Zangetsu and the headband. He walked over to a nearby shinobi. 

"I'm sorry. Whoever you are, I will wear your headband with pride." He grabbed it from the owner and put it on his head. Naruto looked at the Jounin vest the person was wearing. 

"Once again, I will wear your vest with the utmost pride. I will carry this place to greatness once again." He stuck, his blade in the ground and took off his mothers cloak and hung it on the handle. He bent down and unzipped the vest and gentle removed it from the skeleton. 

Naruto put on the dark blue Jounin vest after dusting it off. once it was placed over his bandaged chest. he zipped it up, picked up his cloak and put it on over the vest. A resolved look over came his face as he grabbed Zangetsu from the ground and put the annoying blade on his back before finally walking back to Bambi.

With bambi

Bambi had seen the entire thing. She looked sadly at the mother and child that Naruto had stared at for what felt like hours. She looked curiously at Naruto as he said something to a corpse of what looked to be a Male Uzushio Jounin. When she heard the vow he made, a small sad smile played at her lips as she watch him put on the vest and headband. 

When he finally got back to her she could see the tear marks on his face and sadness the plauged his eyes, but he marched forward

"Where is the location of the trials." 


okay, so this is where imma stop lol

I wanted to stop at after the trial but don't got the time for that as the chapters release is about 45 minutes. 

hope you enjoyed my suffering :)

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