My name is Zangetsu (REWRITTEN)

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Yo, so I've been trying to figure out a way to make the zanpakuto abilities I want Naruto to have make sense. (More on this at the end)

something that just came to mind is the hole in Naruto's chest, it is in fact still there, and will stay there. 

yo, I have decided a pairing; she is from bleach (11/27)


 Inner World 

We can now see Naruto standing on the side of a large blue skyscraper which was surrounded by other large blue skyscraper. It also seemed to be a clear sky with white clouds. That's when a presence somewhat familiar to the blonde. He looked be hind himself and saw... himself?

Behind Naruto seemed to be Naruto, he just looked a bit off. He wore the exact same outfit as Naruto wore, with one major difference being its all white. similar to his skin color which could give a certain snake a run for his money. they stared at each other for a bit before the doppelganger spoke up 

"My king has finally come to speak with me, I would give you my name but you are not ready"

"...... Well I'm Naruto Uzumaki, even though you already know me. its still good to meet you" Naruto said with a slight smile on his face 

the doppelganger seemed surprised for a moment before saying "I always knew you hid yourself, I never knew to what extent though. and I see now that you hid yourself to a great degree. Anyways, I know you have questions. feel free to ask them, but I may not answer them depending on what it is." as this was said Naruto seemed to look at the pale skinned 'human?'

" My first question is, what are you?"

"Well that's a good question, I am a 'hollow' but im also a Zanpakuto spirit, which means i'm a part of your soul, but i'm sure you were listening while I was speaking to the monkey so you already know that I was not originally apart of you." after receiving a nod in affirmation the white creature continued 

"I'm sure you figured it out but your parents were not the once who injected me into you." after that was said you could see that Naruto held a look of relief as if a weight was removed from shoulders.

"The one who injected myself into you not only caused the Kyuubi rampage, but also.... killed your parents." 

Silence issued as Naruto clenched his fists as a unreadable expression appeared on his face before saying "Even though I never knew them, my body still aches for them. I wonder why" at this point a tear rolled down the side of his face. 

not knowing how to respond the not so blonde Naruto continued "You also weren't suppose to survive, when I was injected into you, I was suppose to kill you but you survived and so did I." 

Naruto, now with a sad expression said "... My next question is what we're you originally suppose to do when put into someone?"

"Well that one is simple, I was a prototype of what would happen if a zanpakuto user was injected with hollow essence, that's how I became the zanpakuto spirit. But when my creators were testing me, I killed off every since person who tried to wield me." The other Naruto was interrupted by Naruto who said 

"I thought Zanpakuto were blades created by the soul, so how were other people able to wield you?" 

"Good question, i'm not entirely sure but I do know that I was once apart of a soul, but was removed and then got experimented on. And before you ask, I have no idea who my last wielder is, I seem to have forgotten; anywayssss we seem to have gotten off track, I wasn't taking anyone as my wielder. So they deemed me as a failure and used me to attempt to kill you.

Now Naruto seemed to look oddly at the counter part before asking his last question, for now "So now that I have a few questions answered I beileve its time to get down to business. What is your name?"

"...Well it would seem that you have spent to much time in here, I have one final thing to say before we get to that. When you feel sadness, anguish, anger, or any negative emotion it gets cloudy, and when you have those emotions more intensely it rains. I hate the rain. getting rained on in a lonely world that is infinity large is one of the worst feelings ever. So I will give you all my power, and in return you don't let it rain in here anymore."

There was a long silence that seemed to go on for hours, before Naruto nodded in agreement

sighing the yellow eyed freak then said "Well then, I guess it was great to meet you Naruto Uzumaki. My name is Zangetsu "

Naruto seemed to strain to hear what he said before his eyes widened and he said with a smile "It's good to meet you Zangetsu, I hope we can chat like this again, and you can answer more questions later down the line" 

As this was said Naruto seemed to flicker in and out before waving and disappearing, leaving fully. 

chapter end 


for Naruto's Shikai and Bankai I got a pretty good idea that makes sense in my mind so I hope I can put in in words well ya know. 

I shortened this chapter a LOT so next chapter I'm going to try and make it longer. 

I just finished reading Tokyo Ghoul recently, man I can't wait to start :Re next.

I hope you're have a good day or good night 


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