The Walk Home pt.3 (campfire stories.)

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idk how to word this chapter at all. if the beginning is a bit bad just know that I have no idea what im doing. (I never know waht im doing)

Started December 16th.


'ugh my head.... what happened?' Naruto's eyes opened blearily, he was moving at a fast pace but he wasn't the one moving. his eyes shifted to the black haired girl who was hold him, her eyes were trained on the path in front of her. He wanted to speak up to her but quickly was overcome with exhaustion and went back to la-la land.

Inner World

Naruto was laying down when his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly, he noticed both Zangetsu and Senbonzakura both sitting next to him. Naruto spoke up in a confused tone of voice 

"So um.. what happened?" 

Zangetsu spoke up 'with a vicious grin, "well kingy it seems like your the main character or something cause you took on your former sensei Kakashi Hatake and finished it in a draw!"

"Yes Uzumaki-Sama, what he said was indeed true, you fought Hatake to a stand still, but something was strange happened after the battle ended."

Both Naruto and Zangetsu looked at her curiously

"well right after your fight ended, Bambietta-san picked you up and left the scene, but I felt a strange chakra signature enter  the area, but it left just as fast as it came."

"Why are you telling me this if it left? I could've been a wild animal or something?"

"Well Uzumaki-sama if you let me finish..." A thick douse of  Killing Intent blanketed the area for a moment before she continued her report, she decided to ignore the 2 buffoons who were holding each other in fright. 

"The chakra signature of the person was higher then kage level. Not only that, but it took Hatake-san with it through what I could assume was some kind of space time ninjutsu." 

Naruto just stared at her before removing himself from holding Zangetsu, who was still kinda frighted by the extremely potient Killing Intent. 
"So what does this mean? " 

"That is a question I do not have an answer for Uzumaki-sama, what ever that was it was extremely strong and must be taken very seriously, I'd say keep an eye out for anything that resembles a teleportation technique."

Naruto nodded, before he started to fade away before completely disappearing. 

"So when will we tell him about the trials?' Zangetsu questioned

"When we are closer and when he is stronger. he is not ready for Uzushio's trials and if he tried to taken them on, he would fail to pass... or die. We must help him clear his heart of hate before he attempts to becomes Uzu's king"

Real World 

Naruto groaned as he woke up once again.

"Hey! You! You're finally awake!"a distinctly feminine voice shouted joyously

"Ugh, no shouting! my head is throbbing!" he shouted back before clutching his scalp in pain. "

His eyes darted to the black haired girl sitting opposite to him across a burning fire. 

There was an awkward silence, that draped the clearing once the shouting was over. 

Bambi was the first to break the silence 

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