Commander 'E'

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After getting new found motivation to write i will try to do my best with this one . 

Ya know, I've been having a lot of different ideas of the different directions I could go at this point in the story and its quite annoying. 

Also I make one thing super clear Naruto WILL NOT be getting Kyoka Suigetsu, I have some plans in mind, but it'll most likely won't be in the story. 


With Commander 'E'

We can now see a figure walking down a long dark corridor away from a door. This person was clearly a female, she wore a standard anbu grade uniform but with one different being on her mask, she held the letter E on her mask instead of the other nameless figures walking around her which all had the kanji for 'root' on them. Her only trait that seemed to stand out was he waist length black hair. 

She seemed to be spaced out, which wouldn't be to far fetched after receiving a mission like the one she was given. 


We can now see said girl walking in the opposite direction, her uniform seemed to be drenched as she had just gotten back from a mission and needed some 'relief' in the form of killing 'his' drones. As she entered the door she saw said man Danzo Shimura, they stared at each other before he spoke in a emotionless tone. 

"Commander E, first I would like to ask you to stop killing my soldiers" 

After that was said the girl just shook her head in disagreement"

Sighing a bit with a slightly angry scowl he continued "Now then onto your next mission, you are to bring me Uzumaki Naruto. He has become to strong so you are to bring him here to become a member of root." He stopped for a moment to observe the Commander, she seemed to tense slightly when hearing 'Uzumaki'. He then stated, 

"If you bring him here.... I'll destroy the seals and let you go free." After that was said there was a thick tension and silence before the girl turned around ready to leave the office. As she left she said

"I accept this offer. I will now retrieve one Naruto Uzumaki." 


Now back to the present, this girl seemed to wander through out the dark tunnels of the ROOT base until she arrived at a sent of stairs going deeper into the earth. 

She walked slowly, still deep in her thoughts before she reached her destination. A metal door that held many different locks. it held a small hole to see inside the cell, Inside was a woman with pale red hair, she held no expression on her face, her once bright purple eyes now dull, Along with this she was very thin, as if she was fed the bare minimum. She was chained to the wall on the other side, arms spread wide for no movement. and finally, there was a scar in between her collar bones. The Root member stared at the woman through the door before turning her back to it, her hair swaying before walking to the stairs before finally saying 

"Uzumaki-Sama....." she stopped for suspense

"The heir is alive" she finished simply. not turning back to see a faint light in the woman's eye along with a lone tear. she spoke out to herself, her voice was raspy but one could easily here what she wanted to say "My son..... please.... be ..... okay"

The commander left to start her mission. Her final mission. 

time skip & with Naruto

We can now see Naruto now awake and resting in the back of Urahara's shop, both of his sensei's looking at  him intently. There was a tension in the air, before Jiraya spoke up 

A Hollow SoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ