A curse and a blessing (REWRITTEN)

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Yo, I'm currently re-writing all my chapters so I can get rid all the loose ends and make it make more sense. I was going to abandon writing and reading fan fiction's altogether for personal reasons But I figured it was a good way to not only pass the time, but it was a good way to discipline oneself.

There wont be any swearing, smut, or anything of that sort so don't ask.

after all chapters are re written they will be released every week. (1-14-23)


'No, it wasn't suppose to end like this!!! dying in the prelims like this!! to dog breath no less! I was going to be the Hokage dattebyo!!' These were the thoughts of one Naruto Uzumaki as he was pieced through his heart by one his classmates during the academy, Kiba Inuzuka.

'Damn it, why couldn't Kakashi teach me anything? Why did it have to end like this? AHHH I WISH I WAS STRONGER!' he screamed in his mind

deep in his thoughts of his has moments alive he was spooked by a shrill voice that seemed similar to his 'you don't say? let me fight this battle my king!!' the voice screeched

Naruto believing that this was the end of himself spoke his words ' who ever you are, I'll lend you my body its not like we'll be alive for long' after saying that the blonde fell to his back "Dead".

everyone around looked at the blonde with wide eyes, they're resident knuckle head had just been killed by one of his own classmates, that's when they heard Kiba speak

"HAHAHAHA NOW AFTER SHOWING HINATA CHAN HOW WEAK HE WAS SHE WILL BECOME MINE FOREVER" Kiba shouted making them all look at the boy with either heated glares, impassive looks, and lastly there were a few happy looks.

That's when they heard it. It started as a giggle, that went into chuckles, and lastly into laughter. Insane laughter. That's when everyone looked around to find that laughter until it landed on the dead body of one Uzumaki Naruto, his jumpsuit was tore to shreds, there was still a gaping hole were his hear should have been. but something that scared everyone was not that his eyes were open and changed, not the mask with strange maroon marking on it that was covering a part of his face. But it was the fact that he was standing straight on his feet, blood still gushing out of the wound on his chest. Along with all those a deranged look that seemed to be edged into its very soul/face. That's when a voice that give Sakura a run for her money spoke up from the Blondes mouth

"MY KING HAS ALLOWED ME TO TAKE THE RAINS FOR THIS BATTLE!!! MY KING MAY NOT CARE ABOUT HINATA IN THE SAME LIGHT AS SHE TO HIM, BUT HE WOULDN'T STAND FOR THAT LAST COMMENT. THAT MEANS YOU WILL BE KILLED IN THIS ARENAAA!!!!" with that said a black katana formed in the blondes hand, it was completely black, it was 68 inches long which didn't quite fit the small child's body yet, it had a manji for a guard and a dark red string hanging from the handle which also was black.

The being possessing Naruto then shot forward swinging wildly at Kiba while cackling insanely, meanwhile, Kiba was evading very narrowly. Akamaru was already knocked unconscious and lying along the wall, bleeding.

"I GIVE UP" Kiba then smirked believing that the boy would stop his attack but then realized almost to late that the attack was still headed for him. his still moving made the leaf junin move forward to stop it but they couldn't quite move fast enough panicking he used his arm to block the blade. Kiba's arm then slid of his torso leaving a genin who would need to retire early in his career because of his own comments. The blonde was now being held down by his own sensei Kakashi Hatake along with the sensei's of teams 8 and 10. Kurenai Yuhi, and Asuma Sarutobi was both of there names.

"Even though I most likely cant kill you yet, just know that either me or my king could be able to end your pathetic existence. Now then Kakashi, you can let go of me now. I may not be human anymore but I'm not a beast. unless you want me to be a beast....?" the possessed Naruto threatened 

Kakashi did as he was asked and let go of Naruto's lifeless boy that hit the ground with a thud. The blood gushed from the still open wound where his heart should have been. then the body got up on its feet while staring at the 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi before speaking 

"I am not that fox if that's what you think I am. I am but a mass of negative emotion, not chakra."

"I have a few questions to ask you if you don't mind" he stared at the blonde who seemed to space out for a moment before saying

"depends, what are they? My king believes you to be completely trust worthy but I can't help but think about all the times you 'got there to late'" the blonde said in a slight hiss.

Flinching at that comment the thing speaks up again "Oh whats wrong? did I hit the nail on the head with that last comment....?" desiding not to answer that question, Sarutobi asked his own question 

"Who and what are you? why are you in Naruto's body?"

With a sadistic grin plastered on its face it spoke "Who am I? I am Naruto, but I'm also not Naruto. Because......" He stopped for a second, he looked around and locked eyes with a red head with the kanji for 'love' on the side of his forehead and said

"I have no name"

Chapter end 

Were the edits I did any good? lmk please.

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