Make your decision.

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uhh, been a while.  I hope you enjoy... sorry for taking forever. 



'uhh my head, what does that bandaged freak of nature want now waking me up from my beauty sleep' These were the thoughts of one Bambietta Basterbine as she woke up from what she thought was a root nin waking her up from her rest period before her next period.

'wait.... shouldn't I be dead? Yeah! I was testing Uzumaki-Sama and I took of my mask. WHAT THE FU-' before should could continue her thoughts she heard a voice speak up

"Hello there Quincy-san, or  should I call you ROOT-san?" when she heard the last part she shot up and shot the now identified 3rd hokage a withering glare "Done EVER call me one of his drones again! GOT IT?"

The monkey just stared at her for a moment before moving his eyes to the white haired man that was sitting next to her and saying "Jiraya, you can cut the seals, we don't have to worry about this one attacking anyone." 

the now named Jiraya nodded and went to touch her back but it was slapped away. "Don't touch me." she said hastily with a hit of fear in her eyes before it turned into anger. 

As she was about to hit the pervert she heard a voice that she vaguely knew spoke up "You don't need to be so angry Bambi-chan" she then looked over to the person who called herself with such familiarity. When she saw who it was she just stared for a moment before nodding 

"I understand Uzumaki-Sama" When that was said Naruto couldn't help sigh at the honorific. 

"You know Bambi-chan you dont have to call me by my last name, or ever 'sama' for that matter"

She stared into space for a moment before shaking her head in disagreement "No. You are the Heir to the throne of Uzushio, it would be unbecoming if I called you anything else." 

After that was said the room went silent. Naruto held a look confusion, the 3 old men in the room not only start to sweat nervously but also froze where they were. 

Getting fed up my the look on the old peoples faces and the silence Naruto looked at Bambietta and said "But I'm just a orphan who was cursed just minutes after my birth. What do you mean I'm a heir to a throne?"

After that was said Bambi looked into space for a moment before a murderous look crossed her eyes and she got up from where she was sitting up on the couch, she walked over to the Hokage and put her hand on the desk that was created from the Shodi hokage wood release. A dark expression was held on her face and where her palms were on the table, smoke started to rise. 

The silence was broken by one word "what"

The hokage looked on sternly but the small hint of fear in the monkeys eye didn't bypass the girl

"p-pardon?" the hokage cursed as he had just showed fear to a unknown threat. 

"Why wasn't he told?" she seemed to demand this instead of asking 

"W-well you see, Naruto wasn't mature enough a-and t-there is no point in telling him he's the heir to a throne that doesn't exist anymore." This was the wrong choice of words as the girl's hands stared to spark with small explosions,

Before anything could happen She remvoed her hands from the table. and walked up to Naruto 

"Uzumaki-Sama, the people around you have lied to you, the one you trusted so much is nothing more then a spineless coward, and your 2 sensei's are to scared of what the Hokage would do if he found out they told you the truth. So then Uzumaki-Sama, I'll give you a offer..."

Once she got face to face with him she announced "Come with me and let us return home."

then she leaned into his ear "Make your decision by dawn tomorrow, Ill be at the south gate."

with that said she disappeared into thin air. he had no words for the woman, he left the room in a daze at all the information, he heard the voices of the Hokage, Kisuke, and Jiraya calling out to him but he didn't care. The one thing he carried about at that moment kept playing in his mind 

"make your decision

Chapter end.

Its a short one but I figured it was a good way to end it. I wanted to add more but I think this is enough. 

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