Godfather & Mr. Hat n' Clogs (REWRITTEN)

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yo, I've been very busy the past weeks 

 there is no spiritual energy, just chakra BUT there will be techniques from Bleach but the difference being that they use chakra


We can now find one Naruto Uzumaki running at mid chunin speeds through the forest of death, trying to leave as fast as possible to start his training as fast as possible. But quickly pick up on the fact that someone or something was following him and at speeds that far eclipsed his own. So he stopped and waited for the person to reach him.  He never let his guard, he had learned not to EVER let his guard down through out the years; His hand was clutching the handle of the blade that magically appeared and his other was on his face, he didn't know why but it felt right to do this on that moment. He was ready for a fight. 

It didn't take the long for the person to catch up to Naruto, that's what a distinctly male voice spoke out 

"Are you Naruto? If so I would like to apologize and give you an offer." 

"Who are you? How do you know me? What are your intentions?" Naruto was going to continue questioning the voice in the darkness but was cut off by said voice 

"Oi kid one question at a time, But you are right I should have introduced myself first." as he said this a man emerged from the darkness. He was talk, with a long mane of white hair the was held by a band the tip but his lower back. His face had strange red marking along his eyes,  along with that a wart on the left side of his nose. 

"I am Jiraya, The Toad Sage" As he said this a puff of smoke appeared, when it cleared up you could see Jiraya on a toad while doing a strange dance. The Toad itself glared daggers at the man and looked embarrassed at the same time. he was seemed hesitant to continue 

"And..... I'm your Godfather....." he looked scared at the reaction he would receive; he got a blank face. Naruto's face didn't change for a but before as if his mind rebooted and it changed to a not quite angry expression.  

"What?" As he said this white matter seemed to form around his face and his eyes started to change, but Jiraya quickly replied 

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to abandon you, I was told that you would be treated fairly, and when I did visit you; I was forced to get back into the field as fast as possible with the excuse 'There is no time to see Naruto, you need to continue to protect him by going out into the world and find out more about the Akatsuki!!' so please forgive me."

Naruto seemed to stare into space for a moment before speaking "Your on thin ice. I forgive you; but give me a reason to not trust you I will remove all ties."

Jiraya seemed to hold a happy look for a look of relization dawned on his face. " Thank you, now then, as for my intentions, I want to train you for the finals. I saw who you are fighting his name is Rock Lee, he fought against Ino Yamanaka. So he didn't show many of his skills. Your mother was a kenjutsu master and your father as well to a lesser degree, don't ask me who they are. But I'll tell you if you can become a Chunin. I just wish to make up for my mistakes of the past" As the super pervert said this Naruto gained a spaced out look.

"well then Jiraya-Sensei, I don't believe you are a kenjutsu master, so I guess that there was someone else who taught them that?" 

"You are quite correct, I may not be able to tell you who they were but they both learned kenjutsu from a retired shinobi who was once a S ranked shinobi who could take on all the Sannin at once. He uses a weapon similar to yours, they are called 'Zanpakuto' they are blades created from your own soul, your mother was a Zanpakuto user; you are quite luck actually, it's very rare to be a zanpakuto user when your parents are zanpakuto and even more when only one is. so deem yourself blessed by the Lord himself." 

A Hollow SoulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora