ch 10; try to relax~

Comincia dall'inizio

Silver's heart pounds swiftly.
It's such a luck, he remembered; he hadn't flushed the toilet...
It would be embarrassing if Shadow needed to use the toilet, and he saw Silver hadn't flushed.
Not only hadn't he flushed, he also use the toilet as a second trash bin.
There he wipes the mouth with toilet paper after he has brushed the teeth, and then throw it in the toilet... ops...

Silver sighs.
"I might as well stay a little longer and clean-..." he says and grabbed a spray-bottle and a green cloth.
Then he starts spraying on the sink.
Silver flinches.
"No wait-..." he gulps.
"... If I'm staying too long-... shadow will think I-...I..." he blushes.
He shakes the head.
"No-... I can't stay too long... I better make a quick clean, and then flush the toilet..." he decides, and starts rubbing the cloth on the sink where he had sprayed.

He makes sure to clean to sink, and the toilet.
At least then it would feel somewhat hygienic.
Silver flushes the toilet, and washed the hands.
He takes the old towel and throws it in the basket-... Ehm... the large blue Ikea bag...
Sadly he doesn't own a basket. Therfore he uses a shopping bag instead. Which works perfect. Even though it might look a slightly weird for others.
  Right before he walked out from the bathroom, he replaced the towel with a new one.

Silver exhales in relief when he walks toward the living room.
At least the toilet looks kinda good now.
"I'm sorry ab-..." he smiles awkwardly, where he rubs the backhead with the hand.
When he sees Shadow eyeing few sheets of papers, where a lot of words are forming a story, he stiffened with shaky gasp.

Shadow keeps reading without noticing he had gotten company.
The frozen hedgehog gets pale for a moment.
Why did he left that silly story where he wrote about himself and Shadow!?-... Not only that-... It's a love story with an embarrassing and cringy smut in the end!!!
His heart starts pounding faster, and a bit hesitantly.
When he sees Shadow flipping page, he jolts blushing.
"NO, WAIT!-..." he shouts and runs toward him, where he walked around the coffee table, between the couch and the table.
He extended the arm to reach the papers.
Shadow started to lift the head up, and looking asking at him, when Silver's foot randomly got stuck underneath the black carpet with white lines who creates mandala patterns.
"D-don't R-re-..." Silver says when he suddenly tripped, and starts falling forward where he thudded down across Shadow's legs.
In actual shock, Shadow let's go of the papers were few of them fell down on the floor next his legs.
Shadow gasps loudly, and stares with big eyes at the hedgehog who lies across his legs.

Silver froze.
It was probably a huge mistake to skip school and bring Shadow over...
Everything have turned wrong... And now he is laying over Shadow, as an idiot who walked as he had two left feet.
Now Shadow will laugh at him, and dump him...
And if he won't dump him because of the trash in the hallway, and then falling over his legs-... He will most likely dump him for the stupid story he wrote.
Why-... Oh why, did he had to write that story!?-... And sounding as a horny school girl who fell for Mr. Popular?!
Silver whimpers with lowered ears.

Shadow raises an eyebrow, and placed a hand on Silver's back.
"Silver?-..." he starts saying while Silver shudders over the touch.
"...- Are you alright?" He adds while leaning a slightly forward, and made Silver to blush wildly.
The flushed hedgehog gasps loudly, and shifted where he rose the back swiftly up.
"I'M FINE!-..."  he yelps where his swift movements, caused the backhead to hit Shadow's nose.
Shadow grunts in pain, and flinched backward on the seat where he covered the bleeding nose with the hand.

Silver narrows the eyes in surprise, and covered the mouth with the hands.
"I'M S-SO SORRY!-... " he bursts out, and starts making small, small movements in panic.
"I- ... TH-ink I have something to make the bleeding to stop-..." he adds and starts standing up to walk toward the kitchen.
But Shadow stopped him by grabbing his arm the second Silver had turned around.
Silver grunts confused, and looks worried over the shoulder at him.
"W-what?-..." he asks with the heart drumming loudly in the ears.
Shadow scoffs.
"Never mind that-... I will be fine soon anyway... Why can't you just sit down and relax for a bit?"

The prince of hellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora