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~But I should~




I would never forget that night.

I spent that night training with the agents and when I saw Hiral I knew I couldn't avoid her. She came to me worried and upset.

"Where have you been? Tejasswi is worried", she says brows full of confusion.

"Training. I'm going with the agents on the mission to China."

She was stunned when I told her, but I promised I was going to Tejasswi right after to tell her so she didn't call Tejasswi up.

When Tejasswi opened the door to her house, the way she looked at me made me yearn for her.
Her face displayed many emotions. Anger, Sadness, Confusion, Longing.

My emotions matched hers.

She was angry, told me to explain myself but when I did she would cut me off.

She went from angry to sad so quick, and when I heard the sadness in her voice, my eyes shot up to hers.

When I told her I was leaving she came closer to me in anger, finger pointing at my chest.
"YOU said we could make partnering work. We both know I could have done this alone but you insisted on working with me. And now you leave me with all the mess?"

"Show me something, show me some emotion, Karan. Stop being so numb", she said.

Little did she know inside I was pouring with emotion.
I don't want to leave you but I should.
Let me be away for a bit to gather my thoughts.
I'll miss you.

Please don't be mad at me I'm sorry.
I would never betray you.
What really hurt was when I was leaving the balcony and she knew I was leaving for real.

The way she said my name broke me and I almost wanted to stay and kiss her numb.

But I still left.

I would never forget.


One week later

It was a week since I left, and with the agents in the city of Hong Kong.

We got fully protected hotel rooms and got help from one of our BlackLight chains in Beijing.

It was busy, spent most of the day researching, hacking, and spying on the agents of H.E.X.A.

H.E.X.A always had nasty ways of getting things done, and now they wanted to steal our research without a fight?

No way.

Missions like these are always kept low-key, with minimum cellular communication to avoid tapping and releasing our location.

We were busy, but not once did Tejasswi's gorgeous face leave my mind.
Was she doing okay?

Is she still mad at me?
Will she forgive me when I come back?

The group of 5 and I were doing pretty good, getting more progress by the day, especially today.
I was in one of our suites, BlackLight technology sprawled across me, my focus on my laptop, researching when one of the agents opens the door.

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