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~New Years~


January 1

I sit beside him on the bed, massaging my temples. I wait for him to wake up. I got my aid earlier on, thankfully I wasn't hurt badly.

I close my eyes reverting back to the past 4 hours.

We were in the agency's hospital wing. The hospital inside the building is really well spanned out and innovative. We have a few surgeons and doctors that work in community hospitals as well as the ones here. Our agents are everywhere.

I hear the monitor beep a little faster and see him stir, waking up. He groans from sleep and blinks slowly. He brings his eyes to me and I just look at him.

He's even handsome in a hospital bed.

"Hey", I say not knowing what else to say. My stomach churns looking at him and I can't claim why.

He breathes slowly, eyes drowsy as he looks at me. He doesn't even take his eyes off mine as his hand covers my hand. It's as if he knew exactly where my hand was. His body was really warm and heated from whatever medicated sleep they put him in.

"What happened?"
"You wanna know right now? You just woke up."
He takes a few seconds contemplating. "Yeah, I wanna know."

I take a deep breath.

"The crane moved towards you and it's point scraped your stomach. Then three of the guys in the building came and their weapons hit your head and you blacked out."

I continue. "They didn't see me for a few seconds which gave me time to aim. I shot all three in the leg but that damn crane came towards me so fast I barely could save myself from getting hurt."

Immediately he lifts his upper body to see if I was hurt, but I guess he forgot about his pain because he winced and blurted out a few curses.

I gently press him back to the pillow. "Oh, and uhm, you have a bandage on your abdomen and a minor concussion. They sedated you for a few to help with the concussion."

He looks at me aggravated and sleepy.

"I'm fine, It scratched me and that's it. Want me to bring the doctor?"

I realized I didn't even tell him where we were. "Oh by the way we are at the agency's medical wing, they helped you."

He gives me a sedated smirk. "Yeah, I picked up that part, Sherlock. I'm fine. No doctors yet."

I glare at him and he gives me another smile.

"Continue", he says.

"I shot all three and called for backup when I made it to the other side of the property. They came in a few but my skin and head were throbbing so they didn't let me help you out. The nurses sedated you and treated your wound on your stomach. I just needed some painkillers and they gave me an ointment."

"Did they identify the guys?"

"They tried but it was too dark outside. The men are getting medical attention downstairs before they ID them."

He takes a good few seconds to process this.



Another few seconds.

"Oh, the ball dropped 15 minutes ago. Happy New Year's, I say smiling. He looks at me and laughs at the sarcasm.

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