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~I'm not reckless~


"So what does this do?", I ask .
"It's a retina scan that you use to sniff up background info on people. You have used this before right?"
"Uh- yes of course", I say slightly put off guard.

Of course I have, I'm the top female spy after all.

"I'm thinking of using it on everyone I see and find some possible people", he says.

The Retina Scan is a clear smart contact, that you put in your eye that scans people. Of course, since it's a clear contact no one can tell except you. I guess this is one of the perks of being a spy.

You do have all the movie gadgets.


I head into the bathroom to pop it on and once it did , the mechanism whirrs into action.

"Why you calling me?"
"I said I'll get it done school just started."
"I'll keep you updated but you need to stop climbing on my back", the voice in the stall next to me angrily responds to her phone.
"Listen, I know as long as I get it the plan is intact. Now leave me alone because I'm not in the bathroom this long unless I'm on my period ."

Oh, well then.

She bursts out of the room before I can catch a face . What was that about?

"Hello, Tejasswi Prakash ", the automated voice says. I jump.

Never fails to weird me the freak out.

I head out of the bathrooms and into my classes full of possible leads.



I've been scanning teachers, classes and students and so far the database hasn't found any leads. I yawn. I just want to get this mission done and over with.

The bell rings and we get dismissed from Calculus. While heading to my locker, Karan and I cross paths in the haze of unnecessarily stressed teenagers and we hold a short gaze.

He really does have pretty eyes.

As I'm staring, someone bumps into me hard, pushing me back.

These damn freshman, calm down.

I look at her and when I do, my lens alerts me.

Kiana Malhotra
Race: Black
Gender: Female
Parents: Dinesh Malhotra
Intentions: Guilty
Age: 15

I look at Karan and turns out, he found out the same information I did. We silently decide to talk to her before school ends.

Well, maybe trap her, but same thing right?


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