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It comes out as a shock. I press the phone to my face and when I don't answer Kiara speaks.

"Tejasswi we need you. Come as fast as you can."

And with that she cuts the phone.


He can't be shot, the leaders are under extreme protection.

But I know him. If there is danger he will put others in the frontlines but not without him doing it too.

My head slowly turns in rage, to Aditya. Who looks confused, or "acts" like he's confused.

"You did this on purpose didn't you?"

"Did what?"

I calm my breathing and remember my training.

"You brought me here so your people can go on with their plan right?"

"Nancy, what are you talking about?", he emphasizes the name to remind me who I'm supposed to be.

I give up and storm out the building which he follows quickly.

"Nancy! Hey, wait up I need to drop you!"

I stand near his cars as he approaches me.

"What are you talking about? I'm confused."

"You brought me here as a distraction so you're people can take out mine."

I'm so deathly quiet I know it nerves him.

"Hey, I'm confused you need to talk to me."

"I don't need to explain anything. I trusted Karan to trust you and you let them do this?", it's a whisper to conceal Karan's name.

His brows furrow and he puts on a concerned face.

"Give me your keys."


"Give me your keys now."

He fumbles for it, listening to the authority in my voice and I get in the drivers seat and start it.

"No! W- what are you doing?!"

I already reversed out the lot before he comes.

I'll text him saying I'll give him his car later.

At least I'm nice enough to do that.

Throughout the drive I take deep breaths in. Kiara sounded confused and in danger.


Why would they target him?

Don't they know he has a big heart?

That he comes off intimidating but loves each agent in the agency as his own kid.

He never had kids, which is why he always called me his kid.

I fight my tears back in my throat as I continue driving.

He's okay. It's a bullet.

How many bullets did they put in him?

Those H.E.X.A people are going to pay so bad they wish they were bankrupt.


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