Trying talk things out

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Trying to talk things through was just a ploy for me to put the strychnine into her drink. As soon as she turned her back I put a straight nine into her drink and then decided she was going to be beaten. When she said well I don't feel too good. I went for the jugular and start beating her about the face and body she was black and blue and then pretty soon the bloody pulp was shaking on the ground from the actual strychnine itself it wasn't really a question of whether was the strychnine or the meeting that had killed her it was just something that was very her fake very much her fade and that was at her fade only where she was going to die of violent death of some means was it gonna be by me or some other asshole I think so but he was going to suffer anyways. For what she did she had an answer for bragging up with me at the first time and lying to me about Jack. That's what made me so mad in the first place that I couldn't stop meeting her after death convulsions. She was so horribly being that no one could recognize her except through her tattoos what you're practically black from the meetings the bruising and I'm scared the tattoos and the next thing you know she was gone. I ended up taking her to the apartment complex basement I said no she's a sleeping it off I'm gonna let us go and sleep it off and then I and I love stuffing her and I storage locker where is she Ronald for a while. 
As I was going to leave I felt some remorse but not too much I felt some thing that was still love for her but I didn't know what to think I just thought well if no one can have her I can't either so fuck it. And then just left the high school style lock lock her body into the storage locker and she was now going to stay there I was going to hold for eternity.
Little did I know that people heard of the beatings and the jumps and everything else of the death convulsions that she had from the strict nine and the beatings from me. So it wasn't too hard to notice that she was gone but do you know where she want to go I know is she was Pollyanna Park bench somewhere sleeping and drinking as well or that she was fucking someone else for that matter of everyone knew her as a slot at this point she was either with me or someone else that she Meadow on my space. So they just blame my space for everything and road where is saying hey listen time we lost very good tanning because of your people and you're so I am very angry Tom kinda think they are making preparations to have my space taken down. Little do they know that she was there riding in these storage locker privately when we're flying I checked on her every time mummifying as she was. 
She did not give off a Ronchie smile of the composition and said she just smelled musky and stuff. I had to get river because the muske smell was getting the point where it was going to cause something so I threw her into the river to left the animals that are if there were any animals but they were just beavers there at that time.
When I left I decided to leave the state of DC or the city of DC right then and there and never come back. Until I found out that her body was going to come back but I was starting to have delusions when I was still in love with her that she was still alive and stuff was I going insane I didn't know. But all I know is I was desperate And I thought someone else killed her at first. Acting as if I first found her in the storage locker but that was beside the point I was still in Grand Rapids this time that she was still alive and happy. It was a real struggle for me I drank myself almost after death at this point and was saddened.
As you notice I am still in love with her and always will be I had dreams of her making love to me telling me that she love me and that she wouldn't go anywhere that she was gonna stay with me. There was another weird thing I was trying to scream out her name among other Ranti and disturbing behaviour story to come up that was not on my behavioural predictions and Quantico instead I was going around acting like a mental patient as if I was the one that found her and lost her. One really I was ministering the beatings on the south I wasn't want to admit it.
I even sold her stuff to A pawnshop like a in a state sale is there saying oh well she's not coming back so I'll just sell her shit type thing and that's what I did more or less and I wasn't very happy about my actions as I swore an oath of fidelity bravery and integrity something that I should've kept to my heart but did not instead I was going around hurting the one I love the most one that I was supposed to be faithful to other than my country. I had many choices in life to be the Director of my unit little sister Director are you and the director of the FBI even though I was 24 years old still I had places to go and how does he not been in my life things are a little out there friend maybe little Lonesome but different in this case. And I tried to talk to her and dream and the spirit but that was the score of the blue and I couldn't do very much about this she was still a ghost to me and I was crying waking up crying screaming her name and then kicking in my walls in the daytime as if I was a two-year-old who popped a balloon on purpose and didn't want to admit it.

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