Moving on

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I ended up talking to her lover or life partner for a couple of hours and he was saying get the fuck out of my side more less. Because he didn't like what I did to her faking my desk just to avoid her and stuff like that and putting her on a polygraph to see if she was a cheater and stuff once you it was just a whole shit show to begin with trying to talk to this guy. That's why I said I was gonna try to move on But I can't do that. I ended up trying to write to Mary and tried very much to be civil with her and to be friends with her but I couldn't and I was making me so sad that I was getting angry the anger was masking my sadness and grief especially when I was talking to this buffoon.
" You got a fucking have Mary but you can't have her in a way you fucking bastard" I said.
That's why threaten me with a restraining order but I told him he's even try but I'm still you can't take the FBI Academy out of the FBI agent so I speak I still am as if I was above the law I said I'm about the law and started getting very Angry our chat was getting heated and he was more or less giving me the finger as you're saying fuck off. What did she see in the sky what was he seeing in these people that were telling me that I was the devil and they were God. It was so horrible to go through.
I ended up telling him listen I am not who you think I am I'm not a criminal I'm still at BI I had hard but you are a Juff bastard who needs to grow up and smarten up and let go as well as I at some point. He didn't like being called a juff.   I know a few Juggalo friends that now that I am out of the FBI but the words of me is a pathetic alarm for human DNA more or less a hater and this person was hating me completely right left in the centre and I was like whoa just let me talk to Mary but Mary wasn't taking any part of this it was just a big fight in the coffee shop and then he said fucKing drunk.
"Fucking juff"
"You fucking heard me you fat mouse 30 or nothing more than what you are a form of human DNA those pathetic and nothing less and that's why I called you are you are you heard me right you're not going to be using her just like this other guy used her and she's gonna come back to me I know that for a fact.
" You think just because you have a ring around her finger that you can own her soul as well as her well-being and stuff he got another motherfucking thing common. Stuff that was going to come around goes around kind of thing I miss worded that sorry but what the motherfucking thing goes around comes around I mean and you're going to get your shit kicked out of you by someone one day" he was so Anyway I just thought that someone might kick the shit out of him that's what I ended up calling Angel.  Angel was like what the fuck are you trying to talk about me in the first place I told him there's a fat bastard for you to beat up. 
I wasn't gonna let his fat slob of human DNA tell me what to do so I push him on his ass in front of the whole coffee shop it was was Starbucks a very popular place there were people writing books people reading books people doing and drinking coffee and having scones and they enjoy seeing the spectacle first thing in the motherfucking day but this was the case.
I put my foot on his chest and said don't even fucking think about it again. He looks scared and I was gonna drop my coffee on him but he sister Carly shook his hand sir no I won't touch her again. But that's one thing start getting even more creepy on my end I ended up being staking her out.
Why did I start doing that or what in the idea coming to my mind I wanted to know if you were still with this fat fuck in the first place is fucking Boeing and blah of human DNA there was just a shit. So I ended up every night started one night Checking in on her just to see if she was still with him. As soon turned into what it was. I am who I am I am what do you see what you get and what you see is what you get is a rough and tough person who is going to make your life a living hell or make it beautiful one way or the other if you let it be.
The first sound I checked and I just said hello Mary how are you doing she was in this police that I was talking to and she said you were the one that threatened my husband at one point now he disowned me and divorced me.
Oh the  fucking satisfaction in the first place when I heard this sound and divorced. I didn't wanna have to deal with this guy anymore but she should find come in I'll talk to you. And that's when she asked me over coffee are you stocking me and I said no which was a complete bullshit lie to begin with I didn't want to say these shitty lies but that was beside the point it had to be said nonetheless.
Little Lucino or I know that I was gonna kill her and spend the rest of my day in jail an angel fallen from grace something that I wasn't going to take to lightly but I had a killer because if I wasn't going to have her no one was and that was my goal. now was it Mad rebel yes it was gonna take a little while but I was gonna do it attainable it was gonna happen because she was going to get beat by me.
I thought of other means of killing her poison was another one as well as beatings but that was beside the point that was gonna be later on when I have had enough and I'm picking at my scalp and frustration.

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