Movies with friends

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When someone in my united took note of the new J Edgar movie.   I asked Mary if she like to come and see if we go.
"Yes Roxanne" she said and wanted to make out in my office.   There she was wild.    Kissing me passionately and deeply.  "So I get to see my hero come to life"
"I thought I was your hero," I said to Mary as she wanted to feel me
"Can I pat  you down, Roxanne,"
As she patted me down she started to kiss where her hands were.   Softly and sweetly.    I could just imagine if she was friskibg someone at TSA if the person was her lover.
She giggled and asked if she could tease me.   There in my office she wanted to worship my womanhood.   She was teasing it.  
I moaned at the feel of her loving.   I murdered more to her.
She kissed and giggled.
The only time she stopped was when she asked if the movie was going on.
I had to adjust my skirt and ask That particular coworker.   I adjusted my clothes because I did want anyone know  I was in love with an eighteen when I was 24. when I came came she was sitting in my chair.
"So ... "
"We're going."
I held her and made love to her.....this time it was my turn.  
I kissed her on the lips caressing them   then started to kiss her tattoos as I undressed her.
She moaned

n the movie theater when we watched j. Edgar I was sitting beside Mary. She didn't know to gaze at me or at the movie.   I put my arm around her kissed her and told her to focus on the movie.
At the part where Clyde kissed John I asked her of didn't mind being my Clyde Tolson to my Hoover.
She stopped watching the movie and started kissing me.  
"Yes......I do," she murmured.  She climbed over me as if wanting to make out with me.
It was hard to watch the show but she closed in and started to make out with me.
"Roxanne I love you"  I can feel her soft lips kissing and letting me kiss her.   In like my firm body hers was womanly  soft.   I love feeling her up.
"Love you mary"
"My sexy FBI agent."
"My everything."
She kept kissing me.   "She truly loved me..... she truly loves me." I thought.  And I invited her to a stake out.....if my partner allowed it.
"Who are we watching now," she giggled.
"A bank robber," I said.   I know I shouldn't say most of my job but if it made her happy then I did.
After the movie was done and I was walking home with her to her apartment she took me into an alley way and started to miss me in behind the dumpster.   
"My loving J" she said.
"Doesn't your face hurt.... " I thought.   But she was making out until I hit my breaking point where I desired her more then my job. I slammed her on the wall gently and started kissing her.   I got between her legs and started to tease  her.   To see her moan My name she wanted me badly.
"Don't be shy",  she said "you can be rough"
I kissed her deeply and passionately.   When we got back home to her apartment she took my cuffs and cuffed me to the bed.
"I can I...." she said only wearing my official windbreaker. 
"Can you what,"
She started kissing me sweetly and then started to finger me.
" that." she moans to me. 
Ok got she was wonderful supercalifragalic.   I held her her with my free hand.
"Didn't think I was kinky, did you."
"Love you Mary," I said. "Let's say I have a ring would you marry me."
"Yes." When she finally uncuffed me I held out my mom's ring.....the good thank about about my mom.  
I put the ring on her finger and gently kissed her sweetly.
I also had a matching necklace that I wanted to give her to seal the deal on tomorrow's stake out.  But I wanted not to meant it.
Sweet love that was what inwas feeling for marry.   As she slept I was gazing at jer red hair and kissed her crown.   I stayed awake thinking of the most wonder love making that I had with her.
She was my beautiful g-girl.    I wanted to be more in love with her more and more.    Soon I feel asleep  and I woke up to her typing on her pc while on MySpace.  
"What time is it mary"
She looked at her screen you'd better get going she was saying.
Get off there and come with men.    I wanted to hold her hand.   She was living pretty close to the Hoover building.  It was a wonder that we didn't    get run over.  We holding hands and smiling in each other's eyes.
If that wasn't love then I was silly.
As we walked in the building we shared a brief kiss. 
She bit her lip as I told her to come.
Though she been here many times  for the duration of our relationship she said she found her happy place.
"I thought I was your happy place."
"You too"
"Just who were you talking to on MySpace."
"Jack a friend, just a friend."
"You know you're  my love,"
We made out in the elevator and by the time we're on the floor of my unit   everyone was shocked but nit shocked that marynand I were lovers.
I thought I was shit.  
But mist but one were happy for me.   The other person criticized my choice in  lovers.
"Too grungy" he said "the two of you "
He was a strict catholic who was anti LGBT..... I hated those people.
I thought there was  special place for people like him.   
It turned out that karma was going to get him as he was caught selling secrets to the Russians......that asshole was rob Hansen. When he said that...that was when  he was arrested.
That night was the night of the stake out.   My partner was more tolerant with me.  And was also LGBT.
When we were when to snatch the the bank robber.   My pattern spent most of the time and complaining about us in the back see making love.
Then mary strayed from my face and saw the person she was talking to earlier om MySpace she flirty waved at him and then kissed me with less intensity.    What was happening. I believed in Fidelity bravery and integrity.   Was Mary with out integrity  I dreamed the thought.

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