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Chapter Thirty-Eight~ Careless


The chaos that called from the gates of the castle woke them up before the sun had a chance to rise.

Just hours before, Finan had been instructed by Rhaella to Leave the corpses of Blood and Cheese by the gates. Finan had always been one for the theatrics.

In his short time at the castle he had learnt the schedule of the guards, meaning he knew where the blindside of the castle was.

On the duty change, the boat man had plunged the head of Blood onto one of the spikes letting his head serve as a silent warning for those who dared cross the Princess.

Cheese's flayed body had been tied to a noose, dangling from the archway that stood just taller than the wooden gates of the Red Keep.

Aemond had woken her from her slumber and brought her down to the court yard, where they both watched as their child's killers were taken away from the yelling mob.

"That is them!" Alicent shouted. "They are the traitors!"

"I want to know who did this!" Otto Hightower yelled at the kings guard, Sending them scurrying away.

Aemond lookded toward his wife, and the man who seemed to be ready to pull his sword any moment as he stood by her.

She was responsible for this. He knew it.

The Prince felt a sting in his gut, as he looked on them. A man, Aemond did not even know, was ready to draw his blade for Rhaella. All while Aemond stood by her with no weapon at all.

As her husband he thought it should be him who was to protect her, of course he knew she needed no protection she was quite capable herself, though he should be the only man to lay down his sword.

Rhaella could see how Aegon watched in uncertainty as the crowd called for blood.

The murder or the two Princes had caused uproar in the capital. Many of them calling for war against Rhaynera. However the hand had advised that flying into battle on the demand of common folk was not something a king would do.

Rhaella thought her grandfather a fool. He was trying to rule the seven kingdoms through a drunkard who did not know who the members of his kings guard even were.

"Aegon." Rhaella whispered in Valyrian so that her grandfather could not listen, taking a step forward to be by his side. "Whoever did this, did it for you." She placed a hand on his arm, not missing the way he softened at her touch. "They were avenging the princes, they were avenging you." Aegon turned to face her. "Do not seek to punish."

He looked unsure. "But the hand said,

"You are the king Aegon." She said before he could finish.

There was that look again. The swirl in ones iris, the growth and shrinking of pupils. The hunger to prove yourself.

Aegon may of been a king that the land could've thrived in. Had it only been his roll from the start, rather than it being forced on him as an Adolescent when he would rather drown in ale and spend his time in the bed of women.

But that was a story the history books would never know of.
Nobody would.

Rhaella was one of the few people Aegon trusted. He knew her to be a crafty woman, sly in her endeavors and ruthless in her wrath.
She was the one he knew he could trust above all.

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