Sonic and Scourge start laughing louder.
Manic sighs.
"Oh man-... It seems I made Rouge go mad..." he says and walks a few steps to pick the drumstick up.
Sonic wipes a tear away, and starts calming down.
"Don't worry about her, Manic... She has always been a moody bat..." he shrugs, then he starts shuddering.
Like a cold wind blew through him.

Lately when Shadow has been around, he has felt this huge presence around him.
But now-... It's gone!
Puff-... And the presence of Shadow is gone... As he wasn't around.
Sonic starts getting nervous and tries spotting Knuckles... But couldn't find him anywhere in the ballroom.

Manic chuckles and starts standing upright.
"Heh-... You might have a point bro-... She-... Ah..." he flinched when Scourge  surprised him by jumping up on his back.
Scourge chuckles, and kicks the legs outwardly, in pure happiness.
"I want to ride your back~" he says and wraps the arms loosely around Manic's neck.
The green hedgehog with spiky bangs, rolls the eyes.
"Mm... Sure, bae..." he scoffs, and turns around to look at Sonic.
"Hey bro, do-..." he starts saying when he surprised let's out the air.
"Bro?-..." he raises an eyebrow of seeing Sonic was gone.

Scourge jerks the body upward while still kicking the legs gently.
"Come on Manic!-... I want my horse to start walking... I'm bored here"
Manic shrugs, and grabbed Scourge legs from underneath.
"A-ight- ..." he says and starts walking.
Scourge squeaks in joy.
"Yay~... You are the best!"
Manic smiles.

Sonic walks over to Silver who seems bummed.
"Hi Silver-... Have you seen Knuckles, and, or Shadow?"
Silver inhales sharply.
Then he points with trembling hand toward the door where Knuckles and Shadow had walked out through.
Sonic smiles.
"Thanks!-...." he says and moves toward that door, without asking why Silver was behaving weirdly.

The blue hedgehog opened the ridiculous large door who splits into two halves.
He starts walking the corridor with fear of finding Knuckles dead on the floor.
But-... When he sees Knuckles being the one who is pinning Shadow against the wall, he wides the eyes in shock.
Sonic halted, and couldn't stop staring.

The moment when Knuckles and Shadow starts making out again, the blue hedgehog gasps and runs to the side to hide behind a pillar.
Sonic blushes, and peeks around the pillar.
The demon prince might be handsome... But-... Knuckles is an old crush he had like two hundred years ago.

Sonic can still remember how in love he was.
Knuckles was the hottest male in school.
The echidna might not be the smartest, but he was probably the strongest.
And Sonic was over the heels in love over him.
So, he started hanging around him.
Trying to like the same rock music, and joining the gym etc.
One day, his dreams became true, and Knuckles asked him out!
He was so happy-...
Even the nasty stares, and painful words from strangers, couldn't hurt him... 'Cause, he was in love...

But those happy days ended about two hundred years ago-... Or wait-... About a half years ago, according today's date.
Since he has never been a coward, except when it comes to water... He took a shortcut, late at night.
He had been at Knuckles' place over the day, but had to walk home at the dusk.
So, the fearless hedgehog entered an alleyway between high building.
Only the chilly wind, and the loud shrieks from a cat, could be heard. And the ticking sound of traffic lights who keeps shifting between, red, yellow and green. Despite almost no one is out right now.

No one, except Sonic and the creature who had targeted him.
The creature of night, approached Sonic from behind with almost no sound.
Sonic had barely heard the hissing sound.
But since he thought, he had might heard something, he started to turning around.
And during that moment, the vampire attacked him, and dug the fangs deeply into the side of his neck.

The hedgehog had tried to fight back by waving the arms, and screaming for help.
But neither worked.
The vampire wrapped their arms around him, and made sure he couldn't escape.
And Sonic's attempts to scream, came more out as gurgling noises.
Soon, everything started blacking out, and the heartbeats decreased until the heart took its last beat.
With a last gasp, the vampire broke his neck, and took his lifeless body to a place where no one would try to find him...

Two hundred years later, Sonic woke up in the graveyard, hidden behind a real corpse.
When the newborn vampire understood he was in the future, where Knuckles didn't lived anymore, he became devastated.
... And he was also extremely hungry for blood...
So, Another year passed, where he tried regaining the control of his body. And keeping the hunger for blood in control...
Then he accidentally found Silver who helped him back to his timeline, where friends and family were. And more importantly; Knuckles!

But-... It turned out... Being together with Knuckles wasn't easy.
'Cause it turned out-... It was harder to keep control of the hunger for blood, around people you care about... And he really cares about him!
So yeah-... The day where he almost killed Knuckles while the echidna was asleep, was also the last day as boyfriends...
As soon Knuckles woke up, Sonic dumped him... And then left in tears.

Now, he keeps an eye on him... Making sure Knuckles won't get hurt... Even though that would mean, Sonic gets hurted instead.
Sonic furrows the eyebrows sadly, and looks few seconds more at the 'new couple', before he walks back to the party...
If that vampire wouldn't attacked him in first place... He would most likely still be together with Knuckles... And be the one who made out with him right now....
Maybe things could turn out differently in another story...

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