Chapter 39

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*Wedding day!!!*

Heather's POV-

My mum knocked on the hotel door, follwing her was Robert, both carrying the twins. My mom smiled at me, she started to tear up. "You look so beautiful..." She said wiping a tear away, I twirled in my ballgown dress, Liam convinced me to get one and I absolutley love it. She came up to and hugged me, Dylan and Lila hve learned to almost crawl, I was going to carry Dylan and Liam would have Lila, "Oh I better get Lila to your husband." Robert said, I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you for coming." He kissed my head, "Can't wait to see you out there." I smiled as he walked out the door, then Ruth came in with her purple dress on, same as the other girls. They smiled at me, as the hair dresser was finsihing my hair. "You look amazing!" Perrie exclaimed, I smiled. "How do the boys look?" Eleanor answered, "Fantastic, I really love the tux choice." I smiled, "Liam chose it." She nodded, I was finished with my hair. "How does Liam look?" They shook their head, "We can't say." I laughed, and hugged them tightly. "Thank you so much for doing this.." They hugged me back, "No tears darling." Perrie said, I smiled and then alomst forgot. "Where's Fizzy?" I asked, she ended being our flower girl because we had enough for the bridal party.

"She's almost done, she's talking to Louis." I nodded, "Who's your ring barrer?" Ruth asked me, "When I'm carrying Dylan he's going to be holding it in his hand." They nodded, my mum came back in, this time with Harry. He stared at me, "Holy f-" My mum slapped his arm, "Language." He chuckled and walked towards me, "You look amazing.." He said smiling at me, a tear fell from his face. "Please, you're going to make me cry." I said laughing, he hugged me tightly. "You're so grown up..." "Well I am 20.." I said smiling, he kissed my head. "Don't fall." He said, I punched his arm, "Shut up." I playfully said, he smiled. "You're husband is really nervous, go easy on him tonight." He winked before leaving, the gurls giggled. "Harry!" I yelled blushing, a member of the hotel came into my room. "Excuse me, the limo is here.." She said smiling, we nodded. I took a depp breath and walke out of the room and into the hallway, we walked down to the lobby. The boys limo just left, we all got situated in the limo and drove to the lake. Dylan was sitting in my lap, "D.." He was mumbling, I looked at him. "Da..." He mymbled again, I was very confused, now everyone was looking at him. "Dada.."

Liam's POV-

My phone rang on the side door of the limo, I grabbed it and answered "Hello?" "Liam.. Dylan just said his first word..." I smiled widely, "Really? So did Lila.." I said. "He said 'Dada'.." Heather said on the other line. I smiled widely, "Really, he did?" I asked excitedly the boys looked at me, "What did Lila say?" She asked, "Momma.." I said, the boys finally undersood and smiled. "Well, I love you baby... See you soon." I said, "Bye Li.. Love you more." And she hung up, I had Lila in my lap, she had a small white dress, and a small boat in her hair. "I can't wait to see your mommy." I kissed her cheek, she giggled and pointed at me. I kissed her finger, "Wow, you do look like me." I smiled, I looked at the boys. "Harry you're walking Heather down the aisle right?" He nodded, "And Niall is with Ruth, Zayn is with Perrie and Louis with Eleanor." I confirmed, they all nodded. "I can't believe you're actually getting married.. I thought I would be the first to go." Louis said, I smiled. "Heather just came at the right time." I smiled, we arrived at the lake. "Wow." The boys said, "This place is beautiful." I smiled and grabbed Lila, "Let's go!" Niall screamed, we laughed and got out. The photographer was taking pictures, they were all going to be put into an album, when we walked past the gift table, where the pictures we took at the beach were displayed. I looked at them, Lila pointed to them, "Momma." I smiled, "That's right. That's momma." She looked at me and smiled her toothless smile, "Momma." She said again, I kissed her cheek, "No, I'm dada." She looked confused, I smiled and walked to the chapel.

*30 minutes later-wedding*

I waited at the end of the white trail of roses, waiting to see my beautiful wife. The music started playing, I looked at Lila, "Here it goes.." She looked for Heather, she hasn't come yet. First Niall and Ruth walked down, the dresses were beautiful. Niall was smiling like an idiot, I chuckled. Next was Zayn and Perrie, they looked so happy together, they are definitley going to get married. Next was Louis and Eleanor, they looked so happy, I'm glad they agreed to do this. Once they finished walking, I saw a tousel of curls behind the doors, "She's coming.." I whispered to Lila, she jumped up and down in my arms. The doors opened widely and there she was, she looked so beautiful with her ballgown dress... And she's all mine. Harry hooked with her arm, while she had Dylan in her other arm, he held a small pillow with our rings on them. I smiled at her, she smiled back. Harry whispered in her ear, she playfully glared at him. I chuckled and they came up to the chapel, "Please stand." the pastor said, they did. "And who gives away the bride today?" Harry rose his hand, "I do." He smiled, the pastor nodded. Heather hugged him tightly and he went to my side, I smiled at him. He smiled back, Heather stood infront of me with Dylan, "Today we gather for this lovely couple. Through pain and sickness, and love and happiness. So we start with the vows.." I pulled mine out of my pocket, and Ruth handed Heather hers.

Heather's POV-

Liam opened up the paper, Ruth and Harry were holding the kids. "Heather... When I first saw you, I knew you were the one for me. You're perfect in everyway and I can't get enough of you, everyday I see you I fall in love with you even more.. I don't know what I would do without you, you're the reason on why I'm happy. I never thought I would find someone like you, and thank god I did. Because now we have two beautiful kids, and I'm about to have the most beautiful wife ever..." A tear fell from my face and he wiped it away, I opened up my piece of paper. "My dearest Liam, I love you so much. At the beginning we had to hide our love from the boys and everyone, but since they found out our love has gotten stronger. I've fallen in love with you since we met, and I fall harder each day. I can't imagine being with anyone else, and I don't even want too. I would rather be here with you than anyone else in the entire world, you always make me smile and laugh. And you really know what to say when I'm down, and you are always there for me. Even supporting me when I got my head shaved, overall Liam.. I love you so much and always will..." Liam smiled at me, "I love you too.." He whispered holding my hand. "Liam Payne do you take Heather Styles to be your wife?" He nodded, "I do." I smiled, "And Heather Styles do you take Lia-" "I do." I interrupted, Liam laughed. "Rings please." Ruth took them from Dylan's pillow and gave us them, Liam slipped on mine and I put his on his finger. "And now you may kiss the bride." The pastor finished, Liam pulled me by my waist and I smirked at him. I closed the space between us and kissed him passionately, the boys wolf whistled. Liam pulled away and smiled at me, "Finally.."

My Brother's Best FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon