Chapter 10

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Heather's POV-

I can't believe he did that, I pouted my lip. I pushed him up against the wall, "You better watch yourself Payne, I will get you back." I growled into his ear, he smirked. "I like this side of you.." He whispered sudectivley into my ear, I stood my ground. His hands found my shirt, he started unbuttoning it now. I kissed his neck, making him moan a little. I smirked and pushed his hands away from me, and buttoning up my shirt. He looked at me astonished, I slipped on my shoes. "Come on, we need to go to the station." And i walked out of the room, leaving him speechless.

Liam's POV-

She walked right out of the room, my mouth was agape. "Wow." I managed to say, maybe I should leave the teasing to her. I walked out of our room, well should be our room by now. I walked downstairs to find Heather crying into Harry's shoulder. "What happened?" I asked him, he was stroking her back. "She says she saw Ian again.." He almost whispered, he let go of Heather, so she could be in my arms. I stroked her hair, "It's okay... You're going to be okay." She cried into my shirt, "But what if it isn't..." I looked at her with sorrow in my eyes. "If he ever comes near you, I will be there to protect you. If he somehow gets you..." I choked o those words, "I will never stop looking until I find you. I would give my life for you.." When I said that the other boys walked in.

They looked at Heather, 'Is she okay?' Louis mouthed, I sighed and shook my head. Harry spoke up, "It's Ian.. We think he's trying to kidnap Heather." He sat with his arm crossed, staring into the blue. "We're going to the station. If anything weird happens, we need you guys to call us immediately." Harry looked at them, they all nodded. I picked up Heather, "Come on babe.." I said and I walked out the door with her, "Liam I'm scared.." She said, "It's going to be okay, I'm promising you that." I whispered to her, she laid her head onto my chest. Harry came out soon after, "Ready?" We both nodded, and we drove off.

Zayn's POV-

We all sat on the couch and watched a football match, Niall was strumming his guitar. Louis was texting Eleanor, I was texting Perrie, and watching somewhat of the game. My mind went back to Ian, Harry told us about him. Before I even met Heather, I felt like I had to protect as if I were one of her brothers. Louis and Niall probably feel the same way, I would say Liam.. But yeah you know. After a little of the game I seemed to doze off, Louis still on his phone and Niall still on his guitar. I looked out the window, the sun was shining and... Knocking on the door? I got up and looked through the peephole, "Who is it?" Niall asked, "I don't know.." I slowly opened the door. I looked at the dark fingure infront of me, "Hello Zayn.." He said, I looked at him weirdly. "Who are you?" He avoided my question, "Is Heather here?" He asked me, still didn't know he was. "Um, no she will be back soon. Would you like to come in?" He nodded and strolled by me, and stood in the living room doorway.

I slid past him, awkwardly, and sat next to Niall again. "So how do you know Heather?" Louis asked him, he wasn't sure about this guy, neither was I. He smirked, "We had a thing going on, but she left me.." He trailed off, "Why?" Niall asked him, "She found someone else.." He didn' t make any eye contact with any of us, he was very suspicious. We heard a car horn from the front, "They must be home." I said, "Who's they?" He asked worriedlyy, "Oh, Heather... Her 20 year-old brother, Harry... Oh yeah and her very strong 21 year-old boyfriend.." I smirked at him. He was sweating a bit, "Dont worry, they won't hurt you... Unless you need to get slmething off your chest." I said standing up, "And I can tell you that we won't be scared to hurt you either."

All three of them walked in, Harry looked up. His used to be bright green eyes, turned into burning black orbs. I stepped back knowing this wouldn't end well, he charged at the mysterious guy and slammed him against the wall. His jaw tightend. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He growled, I knew who he was. "Ian..." My mouth dropped.

Harry's POV-

I held him tight against the wall, I looked at him with anger in my eyes. He knew I stronger than him, he wouldn't try to fight me. "I'm just trying to get Heather back." He said, I kept my grip on him. "She is taken, she's moved on. You need to get out of here now, or I'll call the police." I said with an irritated tone, "Set me down, and we talk something out." I slowly did, knowing he wouldn't try to pull anything. Liam stood by Heather, his hand intertwined with hers. I stepped back slightly, "What so you have to say." Not really asking him.

Heather's POV-

It was Ian, he was trying to take me back. Liam, Harry, or any of the boys wouldn't let that happen. Liam even promised me. Liam held my hand tight, I felt safe with him. But knowing my abuser is in the same room as me, that didn't help me. Harry set me down and slowly took a step back. "I will leave." Thank god I thought, "Only one condition.." I knew it was too good to be true. "Heather has sex with me, infront of all your friends... And your boyfriend." I was about to refuse when he reached into his pocket. "If you refuse..." He showed a gun, "We can go any way you want. The easy way, or the har way..." "Your choice." He smirked, I started crying. I hugged Liam tightly, he whispered in my ear. "Run." That's all he said, I kissed him and ran into the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a knife and hid in one of the cabinets. My breath was steady, I needed to stay calm, and hope for the best.

"Where is she?!" I heard Ian yell, a tear ran down my face. I quickly wiped it away, showing no fear. I need to be brave. I heard the trigger was pulled, "Tell me where she is." His voice was shaky, he never used a gun before, or shot someone. He wouldn't do it, I thought to myself. The gun was fired, oh my god. He actually did it, he shot someone. "Liam." I quietly said, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I pulled the knife out, someone opened it and stopped before I stabbed them to death. I looked at his face, "Liam." I smiled but also cried, he pulled me out of the cabinet and hugged me tightly. I cried harder and harder, knowing he was aafe made it all better. Then my mind went to Harry and te rest of the boys. "We're all fine.." Liam whispered to me, like he read my mind. I choked out the words, "Then who was shot?" He looked at me, "Ian was.." "Who shot him?" I asked him, he lead me to the living room. Where Ian was on the floor, dead. I couldn't say I was sad, that's what he gets for trying to do what he did.

I looked at all of the boys in shock, "Harry.." I choked out, there he was. Holding the gun, Harry killed Ian. He dropped the gun and looked at his hands, "What the hell did I just do?" He asked himself, I heard the police pull up outside. I hugged Harry, "It's okay Harry, it was self-defense." I reassured him, he was still in shock. "He came at me. I kicked the gun out of his hands, and picked it up. He started going for me again, and I shot it." I kissed his cheek, "You're the best brother ever. Thank you so much." I hugged him tightly, "Everything will be okay." I looked at Ian, who I hope is rotting in hell now. My nightmare is over, thanks to all of the boys.

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