Chapter 27

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Heather's POV-

Liam was coming for me, I hear footsteps, it's Liam. When the door opens, I see a worried Anna. She quickly takes the key out of her pocket and unlocks the handcuff. She drags me outside the arena, oh my god. I was so close to Liam, and now I'm going even further away from him. I silently cried when we got back into the car, I searched for my phone. Dammit, it must've fallen when she dragged me out. Now I have no connection whatsoever to Liam, or any of the boys.

Liam's POV-

I searched for anything, any clue to find Heather. I feel something under my foot, I look down and see Heather's phone. I quickly pick it up, could this help us, at all? I shove it into my pocket, "I'm going to go look for her." I said to Harry, he grabbed my wrist. "What about the show?" He asked, I shrugged. "I need to do this... I have to find Heather." I tugged my arm back and made my way outside, I knew management would be mad at me. But my fiance and baby are kidnapped, and now I have no connection with them.

I got into my car and searched through Heather's phone, I went to maps. It showed wear I was, I went to history and clicked 'Last 12 hours'. It showed the same forest again, Elkgrove Forest, maybe Anna took her back there. I headed in that direction, if she's not there... Then I don't know where else to look.

Heather's POV-

We finally came to a stop, at a yet again very familar place. Oh my god, we're at Elkgrove Forest. Me and Harry would always play in these woods, and sometimes at night in the old, abandoned, small house, we would have campfires. Anna opened my door and wrapped my mouth up and my hands, I didn't say or do anything. I have no idea what she is capable of, and I don't plan to find out.

She dragged me back into the same room, "They will never find you here." She whispered, I stayed quiet and stared at my feet. She was so wrong, and she didn't even know it. She looked at me, "And if you tell any of them where you are, just know you won't see the lights of tomorrow." And with that she slammed the door behind here. And again, here I am, waiting for my hero, Liam. I knew he wouldn't stop looking for me, he already said that before. I looked at my stomach, we're going to have crazy stories to tell baby Payne. I laid y back against the cold wall, did I mention I'm still wearing my anniversary clothes? Well I am. What sucks even more is that I didn't get to spend my three month anniversary with the one I love. Only with a crazy, pshyco bitch.

Liam's POV-

I quickly called Harry, it was about 7:30, the concert ended soon. He answered after the second ring, "Hello?" "Harry, I'm heading over to Elkgrove. I have a strong feeling that Heather is there." A sliwnce came over the phone, "I can't just leave right now... The concert ends in twenty. We'll all be there in about forty minutes." "Okay. See you soon." "Bye." And I hung up, I hope Heather is there.

I go off the road and start driving on a dirt road, when the phone says "Final Destination." I stop the car. I look around and there is nothing here, I turn on the headlights. I can a bit betond the lights a little, and I catch a glimpse of a black car. Not just any black car, a black Cadillac. That's Anna's car. I turn off the headlights and pull out my phone. I flash it, so I know where I'm walking. I look up and see what looks like an abandoned house. I duck down behind Anna's car, I quickly text Harry. -Hazza: I found where Heather is, it's an abandoned house.- I quickly sent it, and instantly I got a text back. -Hazza: We're coming down the dirt road now- I sighed of relief, soon enough Heather will be back in my arms.

Heather's POV-

I could've sworn I saw a light flash on and then off. I'm probably just imagining things, I look out the small window and only see Anna's car. I sit back on the bed, ten minutes later I see another light. I look back out and see a different car pulling in, tall figures step out of the car and crouch behind Anna's car. The last one to get out of the car had big hair, in the dark it looks curly... Oh my god that was Harry. I was about to yell out his name, but then Anna would know they were here. I decided to just sit down and wait for my heros.

I hear rustling again, they were walking towards the house. I smiled, but the gag in my mouth stopped it. I just sat there, patiently. Anna had no idea what was coming her way.

Liam's POV-

We walked up to the front door, the boys have came and were standing behind me. I knocked on the cold door, man, this house wa really old. Nobody came to the door, "Well she obviously not going to answer the door." Niall said bluntly, I shook my head. "Thanks Niall." We stood there for a few seconds. "Screw it." Harry huffed and kicked the door in, we all looked at him with wide eyes. He shrugged and strolled inside, "Anna, where are you?!" Harry yelled, we heard small footsteps coming towards us. "Well hello boys." She smirked.

"Where's Heather?" I asked, "You don't need Heather, I'm so much better than her." She stepped closer to me, I shoved her back. "No. What you are is a fucking pshycopath! You think I would want to be with you when you feel the love of my life?!" I snapped, it just all came out. She looked at me, she wasn't going to back down. "She'll never be what I was to you. She's just another phase." I drew my hand back, ready to slap her. Zayn grabbed my arm, "She may be a terrible girl, but she still is a girl." I slowly brought my hand back down.

"Never say that about her, you don't know her." I growled, "I know enough that she only wants you for the fame." I rolled my eyes, "Sure, that's why we're having a kid together." I snapped. "Now where is Heather." I more demanded than question, "Liam.." I heard a faint voice, I turned around and walked to the backroom. I opened the door, and there she was. "Heather." I smiled, a gag was on the floor, probably from her mouth. I untied her hands, "Liam.. I missed you so much." She cried into my shirt, I held her tightly. "I missed you more." I looked into her beautiful green eyes that I haven't seen in what seemed like forever.

She looked at me and smiled, I cupped her face and kissed her softly. "How's the baby?" I asked, she smiled again. "Good, but I'm starving." I chuckled, "When we get back on the bus I'll make you some dinner." I said. She nodded and stood up. I held her hand and walked back to where everyone was. I looked around, Harry wasn't there. "Where's Harry?" Heather asked weakly, the boys looked like they were going to burst into tears.

"Where's Harry?" She asked again, Zayn finally told us. "Anna came at us with a knife... And it was about to hit Niall, Harry stood infront of her. The knife got him right in the stomach." Heater bursted into tears, "Then where is he?" She cried, Niall called the police and the ambluance, he should be leaving soon. Anna is in the police car. We all walked out of the house, Heather was crying so hard. It broke my heart. We saw the cop car that Anna was in. Heather ran over there, she opened the door and pulled Anna out of the car, she landed on the floor, hands handcuffed.

Heather's POV-

"How could you?!" I yelled at her, I kicked her in the stomach. "You're a fucking asshole!" (A/N sorry for the language) I kicked her again, "Go die!" I yelled and was about to kick her again, when a cop pulled me back. "Please mam, calm down." I looked at him, "How can I, she fucking stabbed my brother. I don't even know if he is alive or not!" I yelled, Liam came behind me. "I'm sory sir." He said, the cop nodded. Liam took me to the ambulance. "Where are we going?" I asked crying, "You're going to ride in here with Harry... He said he wanted you to be with him."

I nodded and hugged Liam, "I'll see you soon babe." He said and kissed the top of my head before walking over to the boys. I got into the ambulance and looked at Harry, blood all over his shirt. A tear fell off my cheek, I sat beside him. I held his hand, and silently cried, letting a tear fall on his hand. I felt my hand being squeezed lightly, I looked at Harry. He cheekily smiled with his eyes still closed. "Please open your eyes.." I whispered, he did and I finally got to see his green eyes. He looked at me, "How do you feel?" I asked him, "Sore... My stomach hurts." I giggled. "Of course you just got stabbed." He smiled, "You're amazing, you know that?" I told him, he smiled again. "It seems like I'm saving someone new everyday." I kissed his cheek, "I'm so proud to be called your sister."

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